• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the construction of standard system for green development of China’s Mining Industry

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIANG Haiyang;GUO Dongyan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Chinese Academy of Natural Resources Economics
    China Democratic League Central Ecology and Environment Committee
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Promoting green development of mining through the construction of standard systems is an important symbol of mining governance in the new era,as well as an important driving force and development direction for green devel-opment of mining.At present,China is in the initial stage of constructing a standard system for green development in the mining industry,and has initially formed a standard system framework guided by national and industry stand-ards,based on local standards,supplemented by enterprise and group standards.The article summarizes the character-istics of standard construction for international mining green development,and based on the standardization construction of China’s mining green development,proposes three challenges:Insufficient synergy,low public partici-pation,and low internationalization.The article proposes that the standardization construction of green development in mining in the new era presents four trends:More market-oriented participation,more chained coverage,more diversified value pursuit,and more internationalized evolution path.The article emphasizes the importance of connecting with international advanced technologies and concepts,emphasizing the new formats and models of the mining industry brought about by new technologies such as big data and new concepts of environmental and social governance,reflec-ting the new characteristics of industry management at different stages of development.Handle the focus and synergy between national standards,industry standards,local standards,group standards,and enterprise standards,improve the coordination and matching between standards,and effectively play the guiding role of standards in the green development of mining.Accelerate the construction of a standard system for green development of China’s mining industry,break away from the inherent thinking of“governance theory”,improve the top-level design of stand-ardization for green development of mining industry,promote the application and demonstration of new technologies in green development of mining industry,establish a standard list system for green development of mining industry,and promote the internationalization of the standard system for green development of mining industry.Promote the standard-ization and standardization of the entire process of green development of mining industry,and comprehensively en-hance the efficiency and level of green governance of mining industry.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    green development of mining industry;standardization construction;new quality productivity;modern-ized governance of mining industry

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    QIANG Haiyang,GUO Dongyan.Research on the construction of standard system for green development of China’s Mining Industry[J].Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(1):95-103.

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