Analysis and research on coal mine gas explosion accident based on improved bow-tie model
Hou Wei;Lin Qian;Ma Runze;Xu Ziyi
In view of the mining industry with a large number of casualties in China, the gas explosion accident with the largest number of casualties is analyzed, and an improved Bow-tie model is proposed. In the process of cause identification, the causes of gas explosion accidents are summarized into four aspects : human factor, material factor, environment and management. The barrier thinking is used to quantify and classify the active barrier, and the preventive measures are put forward. Through the model analysis of the possible safety, economic, environmental and social consequences of the accident, the reduction measures are put forward as the passive barrier, and the improved Bow-tie diagram is drawn. On this basis, the analytic hierarchy process is used for evaluation and analysis. Studies have shown that the lack of management system and people 's unsafe behavior are the main factors leading to accidents.
coal mine;gas explosion accident;improve the Bow-tie model;barrier thinking
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会