• 全部
  • Title

    Discussion on wall deposition problem in production of powdery emulsion explosive

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Zehua;WANG Quan;YANG Shichun;FANG Jingxian;YANG Yaoyong;LIU Zhiyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Blasting Engineering, Anhui University of Science & Technology
    Anhui Jiangnan Chemical Co. , Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    As one of the important varieties of industrial explosives, powdery emulsion explosives are widely used in engineering blasting, explosive welding and other fields. However, in the explosive production process, there are often problems of wall deposition and lumping after spray drying, which seriously affects the production efficiency and safety. In order to solve the problem of wall deposition in the production of powdery emulsion explosives, the causes are analyzed, and characterization and evaluation methods are discussed. At the same time, the technical feasibility ways to solve this problem are discussed from four aspects: changing the formula composition, improving the process conditions, adjusting the production process and using additives. It provides a solution to the problem of wall deposition in production of powdery emulsion explosives in China.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    powdery emulsion explosive;wall deposition;lumping;spray drying

  • 引用格式
    李泽华,汪泉,杨仕春,等. 浅议粉状乳化炸药生产中的粘壁问题[J]. 煤矿爆破,2024,42(1):29-33.
  • Citation
    LI Zehua, WANG Quan, YANG Shichun, et al. Discussion on wall deposition problem in production of powdery emulsion explosive[J]. Coal Mine Blasting,2024,42(1):29-33.

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