• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the application of defluoridation agent in defluoridation experiment of mine water

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Wei;CAI Wei-wei;WANG Zhi-hui;WANG Yan-bing;DI Wei-meng;HAN Shao-ke

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal(Beijing) Environmental Protection Co. , Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The removal of fluoride from mine water has always been a hot topic in water treatment research, and the search for an efficient and low-cost method has become the main driving force for the innovation of fluoride removal. By comparing the fluoride removal performance of four agents, the best fluoride remover was selected and the influence of different factors on its fluoride removal effect was investigated. The results showed that the fluoride removal effects of the four agents were ZMCF>CF-B>CF-A>PAC, and the optimal experimental conditions were 100 mg/ L for ZMCF, 160 mg/ L for PAC, 1. 2 mg/ L for PAM, pH 6~7, and the concentration of fluoride in the effluent water was 0. 52 mg/ L after the reaction and precipitation for 30min. The coexisting anions Cl and SO2 4 had a small effect on the fluoride removal effect. The results of the field experiment showed that the fluoride content of the treated effluent under the best experimental conditions was 0. 75~0. 93 mg/ L, with an average value of 0. 83 mg/ L. The fluoride concentration could be stabilized at less than 1. 0 mg/ L, which was in line with the requirements for the discharge of coal mine water. The turbidity of the effluent is 8. 9 ~ 14. 6 NTU, and the turbidity of the effluent is further reduced after filtration by the subsequent system so as to be discharged and utilized.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine water;defluorinating agent;defluoridation conditions;field test

  • 文章目录
    1 实验材料与方法
    1.1 实验材料
    1.2 实验方法
    2 结果与分析
    2.1 矿井来水氟化物含量
    2.2 除氟小试实验
    2.2.1 不同药剂及投加量对除氟效果影响
    2.2.2 除氟剂(ZMCF)投加量对除氟除浊效果的影响
    2.2.3 PAC投加量对除氟除浊效果的影响
    2.2.4 PAM投加量对除氟除浊效果的影响
    2.2.5 不同pH对除氟效果的影响
    2.2.6 共存阴离子浓度对除氟效果的影响
    2.3 除氟现场实验
    2.3.1 矿井水处理现状
    2.3.2 现场除氟实验
    3 结 语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • 相关文章

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