Classification and instability mechanism of anchored “beam-arch” composite structure in rock burst roadways with top-coal
CAO Anye;GUO Wenhao;WEN Yingyuan;WANG Songwei;LIU Yaoqi;HAO Qi;LÜ Guowei;LI Geng
中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院新疆大学 地质与矿业工程学院中国矿业大学 江苏省矿山地震监测工程实验室
我国煤矿托顶煤巷道冲击地压频发,且冲击动载下顶板灾害尤为严重。为探究托顶煤巷道顶板锚固结构类型和冲击失稳机制,以陕西某矿301工作面回风巷道大面积冲击垮顶为工程背景,运用相似实验、理论分析及数据统计等方法,分析了托顶煤巷道围岩应力、位移和巷表加速度的动载响应特征,研究了顶煤厚度与支护构件影响下顶板锚固结构的分类特征,探究了弹性波下托顶煤巷道的应力响应机制,提出顶板锚固“梁−拱”结构的冲击失稳机制,评估了301工作面回风巷道的抗冲能力,并提出了相应的抗冲支护优化方案。结果表明:① 冲击动载下托顶煤围岩应力和位移等监测数据验证了顶板存在内、外层的梁或拱形锚固结构,因顶煤厚度增加,顶板内层锚固结构存在由“梁”向“拱”的转换;② 基于顶煤厚度与支护构件相对关系,将顶板锚固结构划分为薄顶煤的“叠加梁−拱”、厚顶煤的“组合梁−拱”和特厚顶煤的“组合拱”,建立了厚煤梁由“梁”向“拱”转化的临界厚度指标;③ 顶板锚固梁结构和锚固拱结构的冲击失稳机制为动静载荷下分别达到其拉伸、剪切强度极限后破坏,锚固“梁−拱”结构对冲击载荷的放大效应受其尺寸影响明显;④ 特厚顶煤的“组合拱”结构中内层拱承载强度较低,可增加锚杆长度提升内层拱厚,对应的“组合拱”结构的承载能力上升明显,与抗冲能力评估结果相符。
The rock burst frequently occurs in the roadways with top coal, and the roof disasters are particularly severe under dynamic stress in China. In order to explore the classification and instability mechanisms of anchoring structures in the roadways with top-coal, analog simulation experiments, theoretical analysis, and data statistics were used under the engineering background of the large-area rock burst roof failure in the Working Face 301 of a mine in Shaanxi Province, China. The dynamic load response characteristics of the stress, displacement, and surface acceleration of the surrounding rock in the roadways with top coal were analyzed. The classification characteristics of the roof anchoring structure under the influence of top coal thickness and cables were studied. The stress response mechanism of the roadways with top coal under elastic waves was explored, and the instability mechanism of the anchoring “beam arch” structure was proposed. The rock burst resistance of the air-return roadway in the Working Face 301 was evaluated, and the corresponding optimization schemes for the “beam-arch” composite structure were proposed. The results show that ① the monitoring data of stress and displacement of the surrounding rock in the roadways with top coal under dynamic stress verify the existence of internal and external beam or arch anchoring structures in the roof. Due to the increase in the thickness of top coal, there is a transition from “beam” to “arch” in the anchoring structure of the inner layer of the roof; ② based on the relative relationship between the thickness of the top coal and the cables, the roof anchoring structure is divided into “superimposed-beam and arch” for thin top coal, “composite-beam and arch” for thick top coal, and “combined arch” for extra thick top coal. A critical thickness index for the transformation of thick coal beams from “beam” to “arch” is established; ③ the instability mechanism of the beam structure and the arch structure is that they fail after reaching their tensile and shear strength limits under dynamic and static stress, respectively. The amplification effect of the “beam-arch” composite structure on the load stress is significantly affected by its size; ④ the bearing strength of the inner arch in the "combined arch" structure is relatively low. Increasing the length of cables can increase the thickness of the inner arch, and the corresponding “combined arch” structure’s bearing strength increases significantly, which is consistent with the evaluation results of the rock burst resistance.
“beam-arch” composite structure;thickness of top-caol;amplification effect of load stres;elastic wave;support optimization
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会