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  • Title

    Damage and failure mechanism of pre-static loaded rock under cyclic impact

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Hanpeng;WANG Wei;ZHANG Bing;QIU Tinglin;HOU Fubin

  • 单位

    山东大学 齐鲁交通学院山东大学 岩土工程研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University
    Research Centre of Geotechnical Engineering, Shandong University
  • 摘要

    为研究深部地下工程高地应力静载与采掘爆破施工等循环扰动耦合作用下岩石的损伤破坏机制,利用自主研发的多应变率动静叠加岩石力学试验系统,开展了不同预加静载(0.45σc、0.65σc、0.85σc)叠加循环冲击荷载以及相同预加静载叠加不同频率(0.5、1.0、2.0 Hz)循环冲击荷载的砂岩动静叠加试验。试验结果表明:动静叠加试验中岩石峰值强度小于静载试验,最大变形量大于静载试验,表明动静叠加荷载对岩石损伤具有显著促进作用,且不同动静荷载叠加下岩石强度、变形、破坏等演化规律具有一致性,其中峰值强度、破碎持续时间与预加静载呈线性负相关,与循环冲击频率呈对数正相关;最大应变、裂隙分形维数、碎块分形维数与预加静载呈线性正相关,与循环冲击频率呈对数负相关;不同动静叠加下岩石表面裂隙与碎块粒径分形维数演化趋势基本一致,且前者略大于后者,表明岩石表面及内部裂隙发育的同步性,相比岩石内部三维应力状态,表面更利用裂隙萌生与扩展;不同动静叠加条件下岩样破坏模式发生转变,随着预加静载的增大或冲击频率的减小,破坏模式经历“斜面剪切破坏—竖向拉伸破坏—整体爆裂破坏”的转变,且爆裂破坏位置由底部向整体扩展。为定量表征循环冲击下预加静载岩石损伤机制,结合理论分析与试验数据,建立了综合考虑静载损伤与不同峰值、频率、次数循环冲击损伤以及应变率强化效应的动静叠加损伤因子,进而开展了4组不同参数下的动静叠加试验,理论计算与试验结果对照误差率分别为0.5%、1.8%、0.6%、1.7%,误差均较小;但基于动静叠加损伤因子的理论计算强度均小于试验强度,初步分析这是由于高频循环冲击下损伤发育存在细观滞后性,循环冲击实际产生的累积损伤小于单次冲击损伤的循环次数倍,后期可开展细观测试,探索循环冲击下岩石细观损伤演化规律,进一步完善理论模型。

  • Abstract

    To study the damage and failure mechanism of rocks under the coupling effect of high ground stress static load and cyclic impact disturbance generated by mining and excavation, the multi-strain rate dynamic static superposition rock mechanics test system was used to carry out the experiments with different pre-imposed static loads (0.45/0.65/0.85σc) superimposed cyclic impact and the same pre-imposed static load superimposed with cyclic impact loads of different frequencies (0.5/1.0/2.0Hz). The experimental results indicate that the peak strength of rocks in the dynamic static superposition test is smaller than that in the static load test, and the maximum deformation is greater than that in the static load test, indicating that the dynamic static superposition load has a significant promoting effect on rock damage. The evolution of strength, deformation, and failure under dynamic and static superimposed loads are consistent, also, peak strength, fracture duration are linearly negatively correlated with pre-loading static, and logarithmically positively correlated with cyclic impact frequency. The maximum strain, fracture fractal dimension, and fragment fractal dimension are linearly positively correlated with pre-loading static, and logarithmically negatively correlated with cyclic impact frequency. Under different dynamic and static superpositions, the evolution trend of the fractal dimension of rock surface cracks and fragment sizes are basically consistent, and the former is larger than the latter, that shows the synchronicity of the development of rock surface and internal cracks, and rock surface cracks are more prone to generation and expansion. As the pre-loading static increases or the impact frequency decreases, the rock failure gradually intensifies, and the failure mode undergoes a transition from “inclined shear failure to vertical tensile failure to overall burst failure”. The burst failure position extends from bottom to overall. To quantify the damage mechanism of pre-loading static and cyclic impact, a dynamic static superimposed damage factor evolution model was established, which comprehensively considers static load damage, different peak, frequency, and number of cyclic impact damage, and strain rate strengthening effects. Further dynamic and static superposition experiments were conducted, and the error rates of rock peak strength obtained from theoretical calculations and experimental results were 0.5%, 1.8%, 0.6%, and 1.7%, respectively, the errors were relatively small. The theoretical calculation strength based on the superposition of dynamic and static damage factors is lower than the experimental strength. Preliminary analysis shows that this is due to the microscopic hysteresis of damage development under high-frequency cyclic impact. The actual cumulative damage generated by cyclic impact is less than single impact damage multiplied by cycle number. In the later stage, the microscopic testing can be carried out to explore the evolution law of rock microscopic damage under cyclic impact and further improve the theoretical model.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    rock mechanics;damage mechanism;destruction mode;cyclic impact;pre-loading static

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王汉鹏,王伟,张冰,等. 循环冲击下预加静载岩石损伤破坏机制[J]. 煤炭学报,2024,49(4):1860−1872.
  • Citation
    WANG Hanpeng,WANG Wei,ZHANG Bing,et al. Damage and failure mechanism of pre-static loaded rock under cyclic impact[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2024,49(4):1860−1872.
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 多应变率动静叠加岩石力学试验系统

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