Numerical study on heterogeneous reaction characteristics of coal char particle group combustion
ZHANG Zewu;LE Xiaoyu;LI Xiaoshan;WU Fan;LUO Cong;Zhang Liqi
华中科技大学 煤燃烧国家重点实验室华中科技大学 能源与动力工程学院
煤焦异相反应是煤粉燃烧区别于气体燃料燃烧或液体燃料燃烧的特征之一,其反应过程占整个煤粉燃烧时间约90%,对煤粉高效燃烧至关重要。通常情况下,煤粉颗粒以稠密相而非以稀疏相或单颗粒形式进入炉膛,颗粒间的相互作用会影响煤焦异相反应,因此,深入开展煤焦颗粒群异相反应行为研究对于煤的高效利用十分必要。采用准稳态的数值模拟方法研究煤焦颗粒群的异相反应行为,对比分析了煤焦单颗粒和煤焦颗粒群的反应特性,相比于煤焦单颗粒,煤焦颗粒群燃烧峰值温度升高约300 K,颗粒表面温度降低约100 K,碳消耗速率降低56% ~ 65%,说明颗粒间作用影响了煤焦颗粒的燃烧反应进程。对3种典型分散形式下煤焦颗粒群燃烧反应特性进行研究,随着颗粒间距的增加,各分散形式的煤焦氧化反应占比增加0.22% ~ 2.20%,碳消耗速率随之增大9.8% ~ 26.1%,较大颗粒间距有利于O2分子在颗粒间的扩散,促进了氧化反应以及煤焦消耗。探究了不同反应气氛下煤焦颗粒群的燃烧反应特性,相比于空气气氛,高CO2和H2O气氛下燃烧群峰值温度增加4% ~ 30%,颗粒表面温度升高0.5% ~ 3.7%,其中30% O2/70% H2O工况的碳消耗速率最大,较空气气氛高80%。综合对比,各颗粒间作用、颗粒间距和反应气氛工况下3种颗粒群分散形式的煤焦燃烧碳消耗速率依次为:形式C > 形式B > 形式A(形式A:颗粒群呈正方形分散;形式B:颗粒群呈正菱形分散;形式C:颗粒群呈正三角形分散),因此颗粒与气流之间的扰乱作用对煤焦的消耗产生不可忽视的影响。
The reaction of coal char is a unique feature of pulverized coal combustion, which is differed from that of gas or liquid fuels combustion. Since the heterogeneous reaction process accounts for about 90% of the entire time for pulverized coal combustion, it is very important for the efficient utilization of pulverized coal. In general, pulverized coal particles are carried into the furnace in the form of dense phase rather than sparse phase or single particle, and the interaction between particles will affect the heterogeneous reaction of coal char. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen the understandings on the heterogeneous reaction behavior of coal char particles for the efficient utilization of pulverized coal. This study carries out a two-dimensional numerical simulation with the pseudo-steady state approach to study the reaction characteristics of coal char particle group. Firstly, the reaction characteristics of coal char single particle and coal char particle group are analyzed by the comparison, compared with the single particle, the peak temperature of the particle group increases by about 300 K, the surface temperature of the particle decreases by about 100 K, and the carbon consumption rate decreases by 56%−65%, which indicates that the interaction between particles affects the combustion reaction process of coal char particles. Then, the combustion characteristics of the coal char particles dispersed with three typical modes are studied. With the increase of particle spacing, the proportion of coal char oxidation reaction in each dispersion mode increases by 0.22%−2.20%, and the carbon consumption rate increases by 9.8%−26.1%. A larger particle spacing is beneficial to the diffusion of O2 molecules between particles, and the oxidation reaction and carbon consumption are promoted. Finally, the reaction characteristics of coal char particles under different reaction atmospheres are explored. Compared with the air cases, the peak temperature of the particles under high CO2 and H2O concentration atmospheres increases by 4%−30%, and the surface temperature of the particles increases by 0.5%−3.7%, among which the carbon consumption rate under the condition of 30% O2/70% H2O is the largest, which is 80% higher than that under the air atmosphere. By comprehensive comparison, the order of carbon consumption rate of coal particles dispersed with three modes under the conditions of interaction between particles, particle spacing and reaction atmosphere is as follows: Mode C > Mode B > Mode A (Mode A: particle group is rectangular dispersed; Mode B: particle group is diamond dispersed; Mode C: particles are dispersed in a regular triangle). Thus, the disturbing effect between the particles and the air flow on the consumption of coal char cannot be ignored.
heterogeneous reaction;coal char particle group;combustion;particle temperature;char consumption rate
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会