Prediction of coal price trends and regional characteristics in 2024
CHEN Yanan;GONG Dayong
The supply and demand relationship in the coal market is the most important factor determining coal prices. This article elaborates on the operation of the coal market and the changes in coal prices in 2023. We have predicted the trend of the coal market in 2024 from both supply and demand perspectives. Analysis suggests that in 2024, as the policy side begins to shift from “ increasing production” to “stabilizing production”, the growth rate of domestic coal production will narrow, and the amount of imported coal will be similar to that of 2023; The National People’ s Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference have set the tone for “steady progress in the economy” in 2024, and coal demand may remain relatively stable. Overall, in 2024, the supply and demand relationship in the coal market will be relatively loose, with a temporary tightening in the central and eastern regions, and the coal price center will move down to the range of 800~1 000 yuan/ ton as a whole.
coal price;coal market;relationship of supply to demand;prediction trend;regional characteristic;the amount ofimported coal
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会