• 全部
  • Title

    Surrounding rock failure characteristics and its control in the roadwayinfluenced by multiple mining of close distance coal seams

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Bo;FENG Yu;LIU Fang;SHI Meng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Huadian Coal Industry Group Co., Ltd.
    Shenmu Longde Mining Co., Ltd.
    Mining and Design Dept., Tiandi Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    seam in close proximity of Longde Coal Mine. The roadway support forcing characteristics and coal pillar’ s stress evolvingcharacteristics under the influence of multiple mining are studied using on-site observation and theoretical analysis. The re-sults show that the bolt/ cable force of roadway undergoes 7 stages: the initial stable stage before the influence of mining, theadvanced influential stage of single working face, the advanced influential stage of double working faces, the rapid risingstage of mining pressure relief zone, the slow rising stage of mining stress recovery zone, the secondary stable stage and therising stage of mining disturbance. The evolution of the mining stress of coal pillar experiences five stages: the initial stablestage before the influence of mining, the slow rising stage of the advanced influence area of working face, the fast rising stageof the mining pressure relief area, the free evolution stage of the mined-out area compaction and the rising stage of miningdisturbance. With the increase of the installation depth ofthe borehole stress meter, the stress of the coal pillarincreased at first and then decreased. The shallow part ofthe coal pillar entered a plastic state at about 3 m, and thebearing capacity was reduced. Based on the above observation results, the support parameters of newly tunneling roadwaywere optimized to ensure the long-term stability of surrounding rock and reduce the support cost. The measured results showthat the roadway surface displacement was within the allowable range of the project, and the crack development degree of thesurrounding rock was low.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    close distance coal seams;roadway surrounding rock;anchor/ cable tension;coal pillar stress;support optimization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 相关文章

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