• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the key technology of controlling the bottom drum of weakly cemented soft rock roadway

  • 作者


  • Author

    Sun Hao;Wang Libing;Wang Fucheng;Fan Wenyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Inner Mongolia Pingzhuang Coal Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
    针对老公营子煤矿6号煤层西翼工作面运输巷道底鼓,影响煤矿井下运输和安全生产的问题。首先对巷道底板的岩性及结构进行取样和测试,发现其中含有亲水性较高的粘土矿物。其次,从巷道底板的力学机理出发,建立了巷道底板力学模型。通过增加底板锚固层厚度,可以有效控制底板变形,保证巷道围岩的稳定性。通过FLAC3D 数值模拟分析现有巷道支护方案下的巷道变形,与现场实测变形结果相吻合,表明现有支护方案和参数不合理。对巷道支护方案进行合理优化,提出了“生石灰底铺层 + 预应力锚索 + 混凝土弧形梁 + 金属网 + C20高强混凝土充填”的反底拱结构支护优化方案,并于井下试验段进行工业验证。结果表明,优化后的巷道支护方案对控制顶底板及两帮变形的效果显著,有效保证了矿井的安全高效生产。
  • Abstract
    Based on the problem of the bottom drum of the roadway in the west wing of the transportation concentration of the No. 6 coal seam of the old camp coal mine, which affected the underground transportation and safe production of the coal mine. Firstly, the lithology and structure of the roadway bottom slab were sampled and tested, which were found to contain clay minerals with high hydrophilicity. Secondly, the mechanical model of the roadway bottom slab was established from the mechanical mechanism of the roadway bottom slab. By increasing the thickness of the anchor layer, the deformation of the bottom slab could be effectively controlled to ensure the stability of the roadway surrounding rock. The deformation of the roadway under the existing roadway support scheme was analyzed by FLAC3D numerical simulation, which matched with the measured deformation results in the field, indicating that the existing support scheme and parameters were extremely unreasonable. Based on the reasonable optimization of the roadway support scheme, the optimized anti-bottom arch structural support scheme of "quicklime underlayment + prestressed anchor cable + concrete curved beam + metal mesh + C20 high-strength concrete filling" was proposed for industrial verification in the underground test section. The results showed that the optimized roadway support scheme was effective in controlling the deformation of the top and bottom plates and the two helpers, thus effectively ensuring the safe and efficient production of the mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    large section;soft rock roadway;numerical simulation;control of bottom drum

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙 浩,王立兵,王富成,范文宇. 弱胶结软岩巷道底鼓控制关键技术研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(3): 1- 6,10..
  • Citation
    Sun Hao, Wang Libing, Wang Fucheng,Fan Wenyu. Research on the key technology of controlling the bottom drum of weakly cemented soft rock roadway. CCI, 2024, 47(3): 1- 6,10..

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