A high-precision design of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser driving circuit and temperature control circuit of coal mine oxygen detection
YU Qing;ZHANG Huaqian;GUO Qinghua
为解决当前常用煤矿氧气检测仪器易受交叉气体干扰且功耗大的问题,基于GD32F303RCT6微控制器和ADN8834热电冷却控制器,设计了一种软启动开关电路控制的垂直腔面发射激光器(Vertical-cavity Surface-emitting Laser, VCSEL)高精度驱动及温控电路。驱动电路中,高频正弦波信号和低频锯齿波信号叠加的二进制数据由微控制器产生,经信号发生电路、电压电流转换电路转化成VCSEL高精度驱动电流信号;温控电路中,设计基于比例积分微分(Proportional Integral Differential, PID)补偿电路和数模转换控制器(Digital to Analog Converter, DAC)目标温度控制电路实现激光器温度自动调节。测试结果表明:驱动电路的电流输出区间为0.680~1.360 mA;锯齿波频率误差小于0.5%,正弦波频率误差小于0.1%;氧气吸收峰扫描精度高达0.07 pm,对应电流扫描精度为0.12 μA;温控电路的温度控制精度为±0.012 ℃。满足了可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱(Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy, TDLAS)煤矿氧气检测应用需求。
A high-precision driving circuit and temperature control circuit of vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser(VCSEL) controlled by soft startting switching circuit was designed based on GD32F303RCT6 microcontroller and ADN8834 thermoelectric cooling controller.In the driving circuit, the microcontroller generates binary data superposition by high frequency sine wave signal and low frequency sawteeth signal.This is converted into high precision VCSEL driving current signal by signal generation circuit and voltage-current conversion circuit.In the temperature control circuit, the proportional integral differential(PID) compensation circuit and digital to analog converter(DAC) target temperature control circuit was designed to realize automatic laser temperature adjustment.The results show that, at first, the current output range is from 0.680 mA to 1.360 mA.The frequency error of sawtooth wave is less than 0.5%, and the frequency error of sine wave is less than 0.1%.The scanning accuracy of oxygen absorption peak is up to 0.07 pm, and the corresponding scanning accuracy of current is 0.12 μA.The temperature control accuracy of the temperature control circuit is ±0.012 ℃.The tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy(TDLAS) for oxygen detection in coal mines meet the application requirements.
coal mine;oxygen detection;VCSEL;high-precision driving circuit and temperature control circuit;PID compensation circuit;DAC target temperature control circuit
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会