• 全部
  • Title

    Effect of chlorobenzene addition amount on structure and mechanical performance of general-purpose carbon fiber

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Jinchang;XIANG Ling;YAN Zuoxian;WANG Xinyu;LIANG Dingcheng;XIE Qiang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The preparation of general-purpose carbon fibers through chlorination-dechlo- rination method represents a high value-added utilization path for coal liquefaction residue. How- ever, the chlorination-dechlorination reaction induced by chlorobenzene as a chlorine source has not been studied in-depth so far. In particular, the effect of the amount of chlorobenzene added on the structure and mechanical performance of carbon fibers still requires further investigation. Thus, the general-purpose carbon fibers were prepared using coal liquefaction residue as raw ma- terial and chlorobenzene as a chlorine source through the chlorination-dechlorination method. El- emental analyzer, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,  13C solid-state nuclear magnetic reso- nance spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioniza- tion time-of-flight mass spectrometer, scanning electron microscopy, tensile strength tester, and high-precision microscopy were used to reveal the effect of increasing the chlorobenzene addition amount from g to g on the composition, structure, and spinnability of pitch precursors, as well as the mechanical performance of carbon fibers. The results show that the pitch precursor derived from coal liquefaction residue prepared by the chlorination-dechlorination method is main- ly composed of aromatic carbon, and the content of carbon element exceeds 91%. The carbon content and carbon and hydrogen mass ratio slightly decrease with the increase in the chloroben- zene addition amount. XPS spectra show that no residual chlorine is detected after the dechlorina- tion reaction. The chlorination-dechlorination reaction promotes the condensation between aro- matic groups. When the amount of chlorobenzene added is g, the m/e of the average relative molecular mass is 677. Moreover, it can be seen from  13C NMR analysis that the condensation re- action induced by chlorobenzene mainly improves the cata-condensation of aromatic groups. As the amount of chlorobenzene added increases from 10% to 40%, the content of cata-condensation carbon rises from 9.40% to 11.78%, indicating that the molecular structure of pitch precursors presents a linear arrangement along the one-dimensional direction. In addition, the spinnability is significantly enhanced with increased chlorobenzene addition, while CLR-CB-30 and CLR-CB-40 can still maintain continuous spinning without breakage at a winding speed of r/min. The surfaces and cross-section of carbon fiber are smooth and defect-free. The average mechanical performance of carbon fibers is up to MPa, and the diameter of them is approximately μm on average. It is well known that the coal liquefaction residue-based general-purpose carbon fiber prepared using the chlorination-dechlorination method exhibits potential mechanical performance, which reaches the level of the mechanical performance of general-purpose carbon fiber using coal tar pitch and petroleum pitch as raw materials.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    general-purpose carbon fiber;coal liquefaction residue;chlorination-dechlori-nation;chlorobenzene addition amount;structure;mechanical performance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘金昌,向 玲,严作贤,等.氯苯添加量对通用级碳纤维结构与强度性能的影响[J].煤炭转化,2024,47(3):83-91
  • Citation
    LIU Jinchang,XIANG Ling,YAN Zuoxian,et al.Effect of chlorobenzene addition amount on structure and mechanical performance of general-purpose carbon fiber[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(3):83-91

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