Instability features of mining roadway in deep-thick coal seam andprogressive bolt-mesh-cable-grouting support technology
CHEN Liang;MENG Qingbin;QI Zhenhao;LIU Bin;SUN Wen;ZHANG Dongdong
State Key Laboratory for Fine Exploration and Intelligent Development of Coal Resources, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation and Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou
State Key Laboratory of Geomechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan
Ejin Horo Banner Mengtai Coal Co Ltd, Ordos
With the increase of coal mining depth, the problems of large deformation, supporting diffi-culties, and repeated repairing of mining roadway are prominent. An investigation of loose-broken zonesof surrounding rock in mining roadway was conducted using borehole scopes to assess the supportingproblem of deep-thick coal seams, the loose-broken range of the mining roadway was 2.8 - 3.7 m,which belonged to a large loose circle with unstable surrounding rock. The similar material modelling testand the FLAC 3D numerical simulation analysis were carried out to investigate the mining stressdistribution law and roadway instability characteristics in deep-thick coal seam. The transfer law of themining-induced stress, the deformation field of surrounding rock, and the stress field and plastic zone ofmining roadway were revealed. The stopping line of the working face in the deep coal seam was about 50meters away from the roadway, allowing the mining-induced stress to reduce its effects on the roadwaystability beneath the coal seam. As a result of theoretical analysis and model testing on the bearing char-acteristics of the supporting structure, a bolt-mesh-cable-grouting progressive support system was devel-oped to support mining roadways in deep-thick coal seams, and it was successfully applied to the GuotunCoal Mine's main roadway with mining level of -808 meters. The mining pressure monitoring in thefield indicated that the deformation of surrounding rock tended to be stable after about 60 days. The max-imum subsidence of roof, the maximum floor heave, and the maximum rib-to-rib convergence were 71-75 mm, 63-69 mm, and 94-118 mm, respectively. There were no accidents, such as roof collapse orrib spalling, and good supporting effects were obtained.
deep-thick coal seam;mining roadway;instability features;bolt-mesh-cable-grouting sup-port