Experimental study on strength characteristics of a new type of cementitious filling material based on loess and slag
GU Jun;CHEN Yanlong;YUAN Jinxiang;LYU Chengxian;ZHANG Jialong;ZHANG Yafei
中国矿业大学 力学与土木工程学院中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室华能伊敏煤电有限责任公司 伊敏露天矿新疆兖矿其能煤业有限公司
In order to investigate the mechanical properties, damage mode and energy evolution of loess-slag-based cementitious filling materials under different water-cement ratios and curing ages, slump tests and uniaxial compression tests were conducted on loess-slag-based cementitious filling materials under four sets of water-cement ratios and five ages, respectively. It was found that the slump and expansion of the filling material increased with the increase of water-cement ratio. The peak strength of the material was negatively linearly correlated with the water-cement ratio and exponentially nonlinearly correlated with the age of curing. The damage mode of the filling material was generally shear damage, and the smaller the water-cement ratio and the longer the age of curing, the greater the damage of the filling material. The damage process of cemented material can be divided into five stages: compression density, elasticity, stable crack expansion, continuous crack expansion and post-peak damage.
loess-slag-based cementitious filling material;water-cement ratio;curing age;mechanical properties;damage mode;energy evolution
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会