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  • Title

    Optimization Design of the Structure of the Ultra LargeTransmission Drum Shaft for Belt Conveyors

  • 作者


  • Author

    LU Zhouyan;LI Liu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCTEG Shanghai Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

     In response to the problem of fatigue failure of the transmission drum shaft during long-term operation,taking the transmission drum shaft of a certain ultra large belt conveyor as an example, from the selection of drumshaft material, a finite element model of the drum shaft was established, and the stress of the drum shaft wasanalyzed. It was found that the maximum stress of the drum shaft was mainly distributed at the transition position ofthe bearing shoulder. Based on the stress load spectrum of the drum shaft and combined with fatigue analysistheory, the safety factor of the drum shaft was studied and calculated. For the most serious problem of damage atthe transition fillet of the drum shaft shoulder, the goal of minimizing the mass of the drum shaft was proposed.Through optimization iteration, the safety factor of the drum shaft was increased. For the working condition wherecouplings are installed at both ends of the drum shaft, the design safety factor was particularly increased. This studyhas certain guiding significance for the design of ultra large drum shafts, avoiding fatigue damage caused by designdefects.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    belt conveyor;drive drum shaft;finite element model;fatigue analysis;structural optimization

  • DOI
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