• 全部
  • Title

    Heat transfer performance of sulfuric acid decomposition reactor inthermochemical sulfur iodine hydrogen production system

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Mingyang;BIE Yiyan;HE Yong;WANG Bo;WANG Xiaoding;WANG Zhihua

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University
    Dongfang Electric Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The sulfuric acid decomposition reactor is an important equipment in the thermochemical sulfur iodine hydrogen production system, its heat transfer needs to match the hydrogen production capacity of the system. In order to study the effect of different structures ofsulfuric acid decomposition reactors on heat transfer, and to ensure that the heat transfer of the reactor meets the system requirements whilealso meeting the limitations of manufacturing processes. Through experiment, the reaction kinetics parameters of sulfuric acid decomposition reaction were calibrated and a reaction kinetics model was established. The reactor was simulated by gPROMS to obtain parameterssuch as pressure, temperature, flow rate, and component concentrations within the reactor. Results show that the total conversion rate cannot be improved by adjusting the length ratio of the preheating section and the reaction section or increasing the thermal conductivity of thepacked particles, while the total length of the reactor remains unchanged. Increasing the length of the preheating section in the reactor cansignificantly increase the total conversion rate. The key reason is that the length of the preheating section determines whether the temperature inside the reactor can reach the optimal temperature of 850 ℃ required for the SO3 decomposition reaction. Reducing the reactor diameter does not increase the total conversion rate, although reducing the diameter of the reactor is beneficial for heat transfer, due to the unchanged inlet flow rate, the fluid flow rate increases significantly, reducing the residence time of the reactants and significantly increasingthe reactor flow resistance. Using a sleeve annulus internal and external heating structure as the preheating section of the reactor can effectively improve the total conversion rate. When both internal and external heating are used, increasing the heat transfer area is beneficial forshortening the length of the preheating section. The length of the preheating section requires about 900 mm to achieve a reactor outlet temperature of 850 ℃ . A reactor structure design that meets the requirements has been found.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    thermochemical H2 production;sulfur iodine cycle;sulfuric acid decomposition reactor;gPROMS;reactor structure

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 热化学硫碘制氢原理和系统流程

       1.1 原理

       1.2 系统流程

    2 仿真模型及控制方程

       2.1 固定床压降

       2.2 床层-壁面换热系数

       2.3 流-固换热系数

    3 反应动力学试验

       3.1 试验装置

       3.2 反应动力学模型

    4 硫酸分解反应仿真结果

       4.1 不同预热段/催化段比例及催化剂颗粒导热系数对反应器性能的影响

       4.2 不同预热段长度及反应器直径对反应器性能的影响

       4.3 不同预热段形式对反应器性能的影响

    5 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LI Mingyang,BIE Yiyan,HE Yong,et al.Heat transfer performance of sulfuric acid decomposition reactor in thermochemicalsulfur iodine hydrogen production system[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(6):180-188.
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  • 图表
    • 热化学硫碘循环原理

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