• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on synthesis and modification of solid waste-based ZSM-5

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Lihong;ZHAO Xuhui;GUO Yanxia

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization Technology of Coal Waste Resources,Institute of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Shanxi University
    Shanxi Laboratory for Yellow River,Institute of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Shanxi University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    tion of these wastes not only occupies land but also severely damages the ecological environment and endangers human health. These threetypes of solid waste all contain silicon and aluminum elements, with relatively high contents and significant fluctuations in the silicon-to-aluminum ratio (molar ratio of silicon dioxide to aluminum oxide). ZSM-5 (Zeolite Socony Mobil 5) is a type of zeolite molecular sievewith a wide range of silicon-to-aluminum ratios, featuring a unique pore structure and good stability, widely used in adsorption and catalysis. Utilizing silicon-aluminum-rich solid waste to prepare ZSM-5 is one of the important ways to achieve high-value and resource-efficient utilization. The general methods for activation and impurity removal pretreatment of silicon-aluminum-rich solid waste were systematically summarized. Based on the physical and chemical properties of fly ash, red mud, and coal gasification slag, the research progress onthe synthesis of solid waste-based ZSM-5 and its metal modification, phosphorus modification, hydrothermal modification, and acid-base modification were reviewed. The effects of using solid waste as a silicon-aluminum source on the synthesis, structure, and performance of ZSM-5 were analyzed, highlighting the importance of regulating the silicon-to-aluminum ratio, removing and transforming impurity elements, and understanding the migration and transformation rules of major elements during the activation and impurity removalprocess. The impact mechanisms of different modification methods on the structure and performance of ZSM-5 were discussed. The distribution of silicon and aluminum in the framework and non-framework, the content and forms of impurity elements like iron and calcium,and the pore structure were emphasized as crucial factors influencing the modification outcomes. Through analyzing and discussing the existing problems and research status in the synthesis and modification of typical silicon-aluminum-rich solid waste-based ZSM-5, the future development should focus on the co-utilization of multiple sources of solid waste such as fly ash, red mud, and coal gasification slag,and the hydrothermal crystallization preparation of ZSM-5 under conditions without inorganic or no template agents. Efficient and precise modification of solid waste-based ZSM-5 is highlighted as the future direction.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal fly ash;red mud;coal gasification slag;pretreatment of solid waste;synthesis of ZSM-5;modification of ZSM-5

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 固废预处理

       1.1 物理法

       1.2 化学法

    2 固废基ZSM-5合成

       2.1 粉煤灰基ZSM-5合成

       2.2 赤泥基ZSM-5合成

       2.3 煤气化渣基ZSM-5合成

       2.4 小结

    3 ZSM-5的改性

       3.1 金属改性

       3.2 磷改性

       3.3 水热改性及酸碱改性

       3.4 小结

    4 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Lihong,ZHAO Xuhui,GUO Yanxia.Research progress on synthesis and modification of solid waste-based ZSM-5[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(7):87-98.
  • 相关文章
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • ZSM-5与亚甲基蓝相互作用示意

    图(9) / 表(0)


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