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1 000 MW对冲锅炉倒“N”型粉量分布
  • Title

    Inverted "N" type of power distribution in a 1 000 MW opposed firing boilers

  • 作者


  • Author

    GE Ming;LAI Jinping;JIANG Zhicheng;LYU Zhijia;WANG Jiayang;QIU Zhaohong;WU Yuxin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Guoneng Nanjing Electric Power Test & Research Limited
    CHN Energy Lianjiang Port & Power Co.,Ltd.
    Department of Energy and Power Engineering,Tsinghua University
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    tribution laws of powder quantity, fineness of pulverized coal and comprehensive resistance of powder tubes were analyzed. It is found thatthe distribution of powder quantity and pulverized coal fineness show an inverted " N" trend generally. The powder pipe with large amountof powder has a large fineness of pulverized coal while the pulverized coal fineness of the powder pipe with less powder quantity is small.The powder quantity and the pulverized coal fineness are positively correlated. The comprehensive resistance of powder tubes shows an“N” trend, which is negatively correlated with the powder amount and the fineness distribution of the pulverized coal. The powder distribution trend of powder tubes are caused by the different comprehensive resistance of powder tubes. The change of mill′s parameters doesnot affect this distribution law. The maximum deviation of powder amount on No.1 unit is 37.7% while the maximum deviation of powderamount on No.2 unit is 84.4%, which are far beyond the ±10% deviation required by the regulations. Different manufacturers of dynamicseparators has different separation effects which result in different degrees of powder deviation. The characteristics of powder distributionrequire that the air distribution of burner must be adjusted accordingly. Measures such as increasing the swirl intensity, opening of the secondary air, turning off of the burning wind, and increasing of the operating oxygen are helpful to alleviate the partial combustion. For theburner with large amount of powder quantity, its internal and external secondary air volume and swirl intensity should be enlarged correspondingly. When the low load and odd number coal mills was running, the air-coal ratio of the coal mill with the largest deviation of thepowder amount should be improved. A single unilaterally operated coal should be blended difficult-to-burn coal or reduces the separatorspeed to increase its flame center. After the combustion adjustment, the partial combustion problem of unit 1 is solved while the unit 2 stillhas slight partial combustion due to the large deviation of powder quantity. For the pulverizing system with excessive powder deviation, theproblem of partial burning can be completely solved by the transformation of the pulverized coal side and the secondary air side. The characteristics of powder distribution and the optimization adjustment strategies provides a reference for the same type of units with partial burning.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    partial combustion;opposed firing boiler;side bunk;powder deviation;optimization adjustment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 试验

    2 试验方法

    3 制粉试验结果

    4 燃烧优化调整

       4.1 燃烧优化思路

       4.2 省煤器出口烟气成分对比

       4.3 炉膛温度对比

    5 改造建议

    6 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    GE Ming,LAI Jinping,JIANG Zhicheng,et al.Inverted " N" type of power distribution in a 1 000 MW opposed firing boilers[J].Clean Coal Technology,2024,30(7):135-144.
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