• 全部
  • Title

    Study on gas-liquid-solid multiphase flow laws in CBM reservoir

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Wenlong;LI Yong;WANG Yanbin;ZHAO Shihu

  • 单位

    深圳大学 土木与交通工程学院中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院

  • Organization
    College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Shenzhen University
    College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
  • 摘要

    揭示储层非饱和流阶段煤粉运移产出规律,对煤层气高效排采具有重要现实意义。基于气-液-固三相流模拟装置,通过设定不同煤粉粒径、注入流速、裂缝宽度和煤粉质量分数等条件,开展了煤层气储层非饱和流阶段煤粉产出运移特征试验,并分析了煤粉沉淀量、产出量及煤岩气相与液相渗透率变化特征。研究表明:随着裂缝宽度增加,煤粉产出量呈现出逐渐增大的趋势,沉淀量呈现出先增大后减小的变化特征,在裂缝宽度为0.1 mm时达到最大值;随着煤粉质量分数的增大,产出量表现为先增大后减小(峰值点在0.15‰附近),沉淀量逐渐增大,说明煤粉在储层中运移存在一定的单位体积含量极值,超过极值后,煤粉将大量沉淀并堵塞孔裂隙;合理控制煤层气产水产气速率,能够有效地控制煤粉的产出,煤粉沉淀量和产出量随着注入流速的增长均呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,注入流速为5.0 mL/min时的煤粉沉积量最大,在流速为7.5 mL/min时煤粉产出量相对较高;液相渗透率演化特征呈现出逐渐降低和先稳定后逐渐降低2种变化趋势,气相渗透率演化特征较为复杂;综合注入压力、煤岩渗透率变化、煤粉产出和沉淀特征,可将煤粉在裂缝中运移划分为缓慢沉积、快速沉积和完全堵塞3个阶段。

  • Abstract

    It is of great practical significance to reveal the law of coal powder migration and production in the unsaturated flow stage of the reservoir for the efficient extraction of coalbed methane (CBM). The gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow simulation device was used to set different coal fines particle sizes, injection flow rates, fracture widths and coal fines mass fraction. The experiment of coal fines production and migration characteristics at the initial stage of gas production in coalbed methane reservoirs was carried out, and the variation characteristics of coal fines precipitation, output and gas phase permeability and liquid phase permeability were analyzed. The research results show that with the increase of fracture width, the output quality of coal fines showed an increasing trend, and the depositional volumes of coal fines first increase and then decrease, reaching the maximum value when the fracture width was 0.1 mm. With the increase of coal fines mass fraction, the output values first increase and then decrease (the peak point of 0.15‰), and the depositional volumes of coal fines of different sizes all increase, indicating that the migration of coal fines in the reservoir has a certain extreme value of mass fraction. If it exceeds the extreme value, a large amount of coal fines will deposit and block fractures. Reasonable control of the water and gas production rate of CBM can effectively control the output of coal fines. With the increase of injection flow rate, the amount of pulverized coal deposition and the amount of pulverized coal production increased first and then decreased. When the injection flow rate is 5.0 mL/min, the amount of pulverized coal deposition is maximum, and when the injection flow rate is 7.5 mL/min, the amount of pulverized coal production is relatively high. The evolution characteristics of liquid phase permeability show two trends: gradually decreasing and first stabilizing and then decreasing gradually, while the evolution characteristics of gas permeability are more complex. According to the change of coal permeability, coal fines output and depositional characteristics, coal fines migration in fractures can be divided into three stages: slow deposition, rapid deposition and complete plugging. The research results can provide theoretical guidance for the reasonable control of coal fines production in the field of coalbed methane.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane reservoir;gas-liquid-solid three-phase flow;coal fine production;coal fine migration;permeability

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 试验方案
    1.1 试验装置
    1.2 试验样品制备
    1.3 试验方案
    1.4 试验步骤
    1.5 数据处理
    2 煤粉产出沉淀特征
    2.1 裂缝条件
    2.2 煤粉质量分数
    2.3 注入流速
    3 裂缝渗透率变化特征
    3.1 裂缝条件
    3.2 煤粉质量分数
    3.3 注入流速
    4 煤粉运移阶段划分
    5 结语
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    韩文龙,李勇,王延斌,等. 煤层气储层气-液-固多相渗流规律研究[J]. 煤矿安全,2024,55(7):22−30.
  • Citation
    HAN Wenlong, LI Yong, WANG Yanbin, et al. Study on gas-liquid-solid multiphase flow laws in CBM reservoir[J]. Safety in Coal Mines, 2024, 55(7): 22−30.
  • 图表
    • 试验装置示意图

    图(7) / 表(1)


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