• 全部
  • Title

    Product characteristics and functional group changes of spontaneous combustionduring different stages of metamorphic coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Xun;LI Wei;YAO Haifei;PENG Ran;JIA Tinggui

  • 单位


  • Organization
    CCRI Tongan (Beijing) Intelligent Control Technology Corporation Ltd.
    China Coal Research InstituteCorporation Ltd.
    Beijing Engineering and Research Center of Mine Safe
    National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Coal Mining and Rock Strata Control
    Institute of Mining and Coal, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The characteristic of coal molecular structure is the basis for studying the process of coal oxidation andspontaneous combustion and the mechanism of coal spontaneous combustion, the change law of middling coal molecu⁃lar structure in the process of coal low⁃temperature oxidation is the fundamental way to explain the cause of coal spon⁃taneous combustion, which is of great significance to the study of coal spontaneous combustion characteristics. TakingYannan lignite, Hongyang coking coal and Nanyangpo anthracite as the research objects, the temperature pro⁃grammed system was used to test the law of gas product formation during low temperature oxidation of coal. The micro⁃structure characteristics of coal with different metamorphic degrees were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spec⁃troscopy (FTIR). The influence of temperature on the surface functional groups of coal molecules was explored. Theintrinsic properties of coal spontaneous combustion were revealed and characterized from macro and microscopic. Theresults shows that: the amount of gas products increased with the increase of temperature, the molecular structureof coal was broken and aromatic nucleus condensation was carried out in the process of coal oxidation at low tempera⁃ture. With the deepening of coal metamorphism, the amount of gas products decreased, the content of oxygen⁃contai⁃ning functional groups on the surface of coal molecules decreased, the activity decreased, and the spontaneous com⁃bustion ability of coal weakened. With the increase of temperature, the methyl and methylene groups on coal molecu⁃lar surface increased as a whole, the hydroxyl groups decreased at first, then increased and then decreased,and the carboxyl and carbonyl groups increased.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal spontaneous combustion;product characteristics;functional group;programmed heating experi⁃ment;infrared spectroscopy;aromatic nucleus;amount of gas product

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LI Xun, LI Wei, YAO Haifei, et al. Product characteristics and functional group changes of spontaneouscombustion during different stages of metamorphic coal [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2024, 39 (4): 8-14.

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