• 全部
  • Title

    Correlation of plastic layer characteristic index of mainly coking coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    BAI Xiaoyan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of Coal Utilization and Emission Control
    Beijing Key Laboratory of Coal Based Carbon Materials
    CCTEG Low⁃Carbon Technology Institute
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The plastic layer properties of coking coal are crucial factors that influence the coking process and thequality of coke. Studying properties like fluidity, adhesion, swelling, and their correlations can serve as a basis fora comprehensive evaluation of plastic layer quality, guiding coking coal blending. Through detailed analysis of 16 co⁃king coals from different mining areas in China, including the proximate analysis, plastic layer index, Audibert⁃Ar⁃nu dilatation, and Gieseler fluidity, we have deeply investigated the correlation between Gieseler fluidity (MF) andkey caking indexes, such as Audibert⁃Arnu dilatation (a+b), maximal plastic layer thickness (Y), and bond in⁃dex (G). Additionally, we further explored the correlations between the maximum fluidity (lgMF) and the initialsoftening temperature (T), maximum fluidity temperature (T), solidification temperature (T), and plasticitytemperature range (ΔT) in conjunction with the temperature characterization parameters. The results indicated thatthe lgMF of the coal samples exhibited a quadratic curve correlation with a+b, Y and G, with correlation coeffi⁃cients (R) of 0. 749 1, 0. 816 1, and 0. 760 4, respectively. The correlation was significantly influenced by thetype of coal. lgMF showed a stronger correlation with T: as lgMF increased, T generally decreased, with a correla⁃tion coefficient of 0. 814 2 for the quadratic regression curves. The correlation between lgMF and T, lgMF and Twas found to be weak. A notable correlation was observed between lgMF and ΔT, where an increase in lgMF corre⁃sponded to a gradual increase in ΔT, with a correlation coefficient of 0. 871 2 for the quadratic regression curve.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    plastic layer;characteristic index;coking coal;Gieseler fluidity;caking property;fluidity;correla⁃tion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    BAI Xiaoyan. Correlation of plastic layer characteristic index of mainly coking coal [J]. Coal Quality Technology,2024, 39 (4): 71-78.
  • 相关文章

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