Design of special pneumatic turnout for trapped car
Wang Xiaoyi;Xu Yanhui;Men Zhishun
Wire rope haulage trapped rail car for standard rail is a commonly used auxiliary transportation equipment in coal mine. For the full route trapped standard rail car, the existing turnout can not meet the requirements of the tractor. Therefore, it is necessary to design a special pneumatic turnout for the trapped rail car. In this paper, the mechanical structure and pneumatic control system of pneumatic turnout are designed, and the working process and principle are expounded. The switch realizes the functions of pneumatic track change and track locking, solves the problems of track clamping wheel passing through, wire rope guidance and concealment, and improves the existing technology of trapped rail car.
pneumatic;turnout;trapped rail car;wire rope;auxiliary transport
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会