• 全部
  • Title

    Study on ash fusion and viscosity temperature characteristics adjustment of high silicon-aluminum coals on HT-L gasifier

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Wenbin;LI Yan;SUN Qiang;MA Dong;ZHANG Yi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Changzheng Engineering Company Limited
    Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group Company Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The power bituminous coal with high ash, high silicon-aluminum and low sili- con-aluminum ratio (mass ratio) is rarely utilized on the entrained bed gasification. Its coal quali- ty characteristics deviate from the coal index for gasification, and the adjustment is obviously more difficult. To apply the power bituminous coal with the above-mentioned ash characteristics on HT-L gasifier and provide the research on the adjustment of coal quality characteristics, the effects of adding different proportions of industrial fluxes (such as limestone, iron ore and their compound additive) and blending coal (BSH) to the sample coal (HS) on its ash melting charac- teristics, viscosity-temperature characteristics and mineral transformation were studied by using the ash-fusion point meter, high-temperature rotating viscometer and thermodynamic calculation software FactSage. The results show that HS coal ash has a low silicon-aluminum ratio (1.32) and a high acid-base balance index (12.82). In the mineral thermal transformation behavior of coal ash, it mainly generated mullite, which is the reason for the high ash fusion temperatures ( t , t , t and t all above ℃). Compared with general Jincheng anthracite coal, it is more difficult to adjust HS coal. When adding the same proportion of industrial fluxes, the adjustment effect from the largest to the smallest is: iron-calcium compound additive, iron ore, limestone. The effect of using only limestone is inferior; For the adjustment of such coal ash characteristics, it is recommended to use iron-calcium multi-auxiliaries or blending with other types of coals rich in alkali metals to reduce the ash-fusion temperature and improve the viscosity-temperature char- acteristic. By increasing the content of alkali metal elements such as CaO and Fe O simultane- ously, minerals with low melting point characteristics such as clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene,di- opside,cordierite,nepheline or mixture mineral substances with low-melting temperature can be formed during the mineral thermal transformation of coal ash, thus reducing the ash-fusion tem- perature of the slag system.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fluidized bed gasification;high silica-alumina coal;industrial flux;coal blending;ash fusion characteristic;viscosity-temperature characteristics;FactSage

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张文斌,李 岩,孙 强,等.航天炉高硅铝烟煤煤灰熔融及黏温特性调控研究[J].煤炭转化,2024,47(5):53-62
  • Citation
    ZHANG Wenbin,LI Yan,SUN Qiang,et al.Study on ash fusion and viscosity temperature characteristics adjustment of high silicon-alu-minum coals on HT-L gasifier[J].Coal Conversion,2024,47(5):53-62
  • 相关文章

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