CO2 adsorption performance of coal gasification fine slag-based adsorbent
SUN Jiajun;GUO Jianying;ZHANG Lei;LIU Shengyu;ZHANG Suhong;CHANG Chengbing
Adsorption is one of the main methods for carbon capture. Solid amino-func- tionalized adsorbents are important CO adsorbents, typically using expensive mesoporous mole- cular sieves as the carrier, which greatly limits the scalability of adsorption methods. Therefore, reducing carrier cost has important practical significance for CO capture. In this study, acid leac- hing residue (AFS) was prepared by treating coal gasification fine slag (FS) with hydrochloric acid and was further grafted with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) to create an ammonia functionalized CO adsorption material (AFS-A-x). The samples were characterized using ther- mogravimetric analysis (TG-DTG), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and N ad- sorption-desorption at low temperatures. The CO adsorption properties of FS, AFS and AFS-A- x were investigated by high pressure gas adsorption-desorption instrument (PCTPro). The ad- sorption isothermal model was established, and the equivalent adsorption heat was calculated. The results show that compared with FS, AFS has higher silica hydroxyl content and more abun- dant pore structure, which was more suitable for grafting. Under the adsorption condition of ℃ and 0.1 MPa, compares to AFS ,the CO adsorption capacity of AFS-A-3 is increased by 19.6% to 0.61 mmol/g. Within the temperature range of ℃ ℃, the adsorption perform- ance of AFS-A-3 decreases with the increasing temperature. Under the same conditions, the ad- sorption capacity of AFS-A-3 in the low-pressure section (0 MPa 0.015 MPa) is significantly higher than that of AFS, suggesting that AFS-A-3 has higher application potential under condi- tions of low CO partial pressure. After ten cycles of adsorption and desorption, the CO adsorp- tion capacity of AFS-A-3 decreases by 5% at ℃ and 0.10 MPa. The isothermal adsorption curves of AFS and AFS-A-3 could be well described by the Langmuir model. Compared with AFS, the graft-modified AFS-A-3 has a significant increase in the equivalent adsorption heat of CO . This suggests a shift in the adsorption type from being predominantly physical adsorption to a combination of both physical and chemical adsorption.
CO2 capture;adsorption;amino-functionalized materials;coal gasification fine slag;grafting
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会