• 全部
  • Title

    Status and development trend of mine underground space detection technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Bo;LI Xiaozhao;SHEN Sihongren;WANG Ying;SHE Zilong;SU Yubin;ZUO Yuanbin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Intelligent Construction and Healthy Operation & Maintenance of Deep Underground Engineering,School of Resources and Geosci⁃ences,School of Mechanics and Civil engineering,China University of Mining and Technology
    Yunlong Lake Laboratory
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Under the background of global climate change and resource shortage, realizing the goal of “ doublecarbon” has become the common pursuit of all countries,and the exploitation and utilization of mine undergroundspace has become an important way to achieve sustainable development. As an important prerequisite for the exploita⁃tion and utilization of underground space,fine detection of underground space has attracted extensive attention from theacademic community,and is the basis for ensuring the safe and efficient exploitation of underground space. This paperexpounds the method principle and current development status of underground space detection technology in mines,systematically combs the underground space detection technology from two dimensions of “air (sky) ⁃ ground⁃well⁃roadway” and “gravity⁃magnetic⁃electric⁃seismic”. Through in⁃depth analysis and comparison of the differences of ge⁃ophysical explorationmethodsindetectionrange, detectiondepth, costeffectivenessandanomalousbodysensitivity, the applicability of different mining underground space exploration methods to different applicationscenarios is analyzed,and the advantages and limitations of each exploration method are summarized. The typical ap⁃plication of underground space exploration in mines is studied. By analyzing the exploration results of practical engi⁃neering application,the application value of each exploration technology in practical engineering is highlighted,and thepractical basis is provided for the future technology optimization. In addition,the development trend of mine under⁃ground space detection technology in the future is discussed,and the feasibility and necessity of integrated robot re⁃search on multi⁃space and multi⁃dimensional joint detection and underground space perception detection isexpounded,which is expected to further improve the accuracy and efficiency of mine underground space detection,andreduce the detection cost and risk of mine underground space detection under complex geological environment. It pro⁃vides a reference for the future development direction of underground space detection technology in mines.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Underground mining spaces;multi⁃field detection;fine detection;detection robots

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WANG Bo,LI Xiaozhao,SHEN Sihongren,et al.Status and development trend of mine underground space detec⁃tion technology[J].Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(3):273-290.

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