Genetic mechanism of the Permo−Carboniferous high-grade coal-bearing kaolin in the Datong Coalfield
LIU jianping;ZHANG Shuai;MA Xiaojun;YUAN Tangchen;LIU Qinfu
以山西省大同煤田小峪煤矿的石炭—二叠系太原组优质煤系高岭岩为研究对象,开展了岩相学、矿物学、全岩地球化学、锆石U–Pb年代学和Lu-Hf同位素研究,旨在揭示优质煤系高岭岩的物源和成因机制。研究发现优质煤系高岭岩的矿物成分以高有序度高岭石为主,不含碎屑矿物石英、长石和白云母。部分样品含有勃姆石,是高岭石脱硅蚀变的产物。高岭岩中的锆石是典型的岩浆锆石,且年龄均一,集中在300 Ma左右,与煤层的沉积年龄一致,证实它们由火山灰蚀变形成。此外,高岭岩中普遍含有板/柱状和蠕虫状高岭石,也是火山灰蚀变的典型特征。这些粗晶高岭石认为是由火山灰中的晶屑,例如斜长石和黑云母等,蚀变形成的假象高岭石。锆石的
The petrographical, mineralogical, whole-rock geochemical, and zircon U-Pb geochronological and Lu-Hf isotopic studies were carried out for investigating the provenance and genetic mechanism of the high-grade coal-bearing kaolin within the coal seams of the Permo-Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation in the Xiaoyu mine of the Datong coalfield, Shanxi Province. The coal-bearing kaolin is composed mainly of well-ordered kaolinite with no detrital quartz, feldspars and muscovite. Some samples contain boehmite that were formed through the desilication of kaolinite. The zircons in the coal-bearing kaolin are typically igneous origin with only one age population of ca. 300 Ma, same with the depositional age of the coal, confirming that the coal-bearing kaolin was altered from volcanic ash. Besides, the coal-bearing kaolin commonly contains tabular/columnar and vermicular kaolinite that are also diagnostic feature of alteration from volcanic ash. These coarse-grained kaolinites are thought to be pseudomorphic kaolinite altered from crystal fragments in volcanic ash, such as plagioclase and biotite. The zircon
high-grade coal-bearing kaolin;volcanic ash;Paleo-Asian Ocean;active continental margin
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会