Experimental study on characteristics of gangue fly ash paste material
Yang Hongzeng;;;;Wang Xuewei;;
膏体材料常用的原材料包括煤矸石、粉煤灰和水泥胶结材料等,膏体的物理、力学特性与原材料的基本性质密切相关。本文以邢台煤矿矸石和马头电厂粉煤灰为样品,分析了其基本性质。煤矸石中矿物量相对较大的有高岭石、石英、云母、钠长石,粉煤灰为Ⅱ级粉煤灰。以坍落度为标准,确定了2个配比,测定了其凝结时间、强度、泌水率等参数。结果表明,配比A、B的坍落度值分别为215 mm和202 mm,泌水率分别为3.5%和3.2%。凝结时间分别在4~5 h和5~6 h,均满足膏体泵送和凝固的要求,可根据现场需要选择使用。
The raw materials commonly used in paste materials include coal gangue, fly ash and cement cementing materials. The physical and mechanical properties of paste were closely related to the basic properties of raw materials. The basic properties of Xingtai coal gangue and Matou power plant fly ash were analyzed. In the coal gangue, a relatively large amount of minerals are in kaolinite, quartz, mica, albite, fly ash was grade II fly ash. Taking slump as the standard, two ratios were determined, and the parameters such as setting time, strength and bleeding rate were measured. The results showed that the slump values of the ratio A and B were 215 mm and 202 mm respectively, and the bleeding rates were 3.5 % and 3.2 % respectively. The setting time was between 4 ~ 5h and 5 ~ 6h respectively, which could meet the requirements of paste pumping and solidification, and could be selected according to the needs of the site.
plaster material;slump;condensation time;bleeding rate
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会