Study on the role of atomic carbon species in cobalt-based FT synthesis catalyst
YANG Shenglong;WANG Jungang;MA Zhongyi;CHEN Congbiao;LIU Yan;ZHANG Wei;XIE Qilong;HOU Bo
中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 煤炭高效低碳利用国家重点实验室中国科学院大学
The FT synthesis reaction is a process that catalytically converts syngas into long-chain heavy hydrocarbons. The Fischer-Tropsch reaction involves CO activation, disproportionation reactions, and hydrocarbon dehydrogenation reactions that can form carbon species on the catalyst surface. The role of carbon species in the Fischer-Tropsch reaction has been a topic of controversy. This paper reports the successful construction of model catalysts with varying atomic carbon species content. The catalysts were prepared by pretreating single-crystal cobalt with HCP-Co(10-11) as the main exposed surface under different conditions. The carbon species content and existing forms of the catalyst were characterized by temperature programmed hydrogenation, Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The study found that the activity and CH4 selectivity of the catalysts were closely related to the number and form of atomic carbon species introduced. With the increase of pretreatment time, the content of atomic carbon species deposited on the catalyst first increased and then decreased, and finally maintained a dynamic equilibrium, indicating that the content of atomic carbon species would remain unchanged with the increase of pretreatment time to a certain extent. The pre-treated catalyst was characterized by XRD, and no characteristic peak of CoO was found. The crystal structure is consistent with that of P-Co catalyst, and the influence of CoO and other crystal structure on the performance of FT synthesis is excluded. The P-Co-C3 catalyst, with a carbon content of 5.72%, achieved a high CO conversion rate of 72.2%, whereas the P-Co-C2 catalyst, with a carbon content of 3.01%, had a low CH4 selectivity of 4.2%. When the carbon content of P-Co-C1 (2.76%) and P-Co-C2 (3.01%) catalysts is low, the atomic carbon species mainly exists in the form of amorphous carbon (C). The presence of amorphous carbon in atomic carbon species covers part of methane generation sites, thus inhibiting methane generation, resulting in a decrease in methane selectivity. As the carbon content of P-Co-C3 (5.72%) and P-Co-C4 (14.12%) catalysts increases, the atomic carbon species in P-Co-C3 and P-Co-C4 catalysts may mainly exist in the form of C
atomic carbon species;carbon content;forms of existence;Fischer-Tropsch synthesis
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会