• 全部
  • Title

    Study on the influence of tar residue coal blending coking on the mechanicalstrength of coke and the prediction of proportions

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Yunpeng;LU Li;YUAN Dongying;ZHOU Qi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    China Coal Research Institute Corporation Ltd.
    National Energy Technology & Equipment Laboratory of CoalUtilization and Emission Control
    CCTEG Low-carbon Technology Institute
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    This study examines the influence of blending coal tar residue with coking coal on the quality of both thecoking coal and the resultant coke, and delves into their underlying correlations. By leveraging the influence patternof varying blending ratios on the caking index, an optimal blending ratio of tar residue in coking coal is determined,thereby providing technical guidance for the industrial application of tar residue in coal blending for coking. Experi⁃mental samples were sourced from a specific coking plant, including coal tar residue and coking coal. Coking testswere conducted with tar residue blended at 3. 0% and 5. 0%, respectively, while maintaining constant conditionssuch as bulk density and particle size. The results revealed that after blending tar residue, the moisture and total sul⁃fur content of the coking coal increased, whereas the ash content decreased. For coking coals with inherently low vol⁃atile matter content, the incorporation of tar residue was advantageous in enhancing the volatile matter. Additionally,the air-dried moisture and volatile matter of the coke slightly increased, the total sulfur content decreased, and themechanical strength of the coke was improved. By analyzing the variation pattern of the caking index with the additionof tar residue ranging from 1% to 5%, it was discovered that when the tar residue blending ratio was controlled be⁃tween 3. 0% and 4. 5%, it could ensure that the caking index of the coke did not decrease while maximizing the in⁃corporation of tar residue, thereby facilitating the resource utilization of solid waste.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    tar residue;mechanical strength;quality of coking coal;caking index;proportion of blending;bulkdensity;particle size

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Yunpeng, LU Li, YUAN Dongying, et al. Study on the influence of tar residue coal blending coking onthe mechanical strength of coke and the prediction of proportions [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2024, 39 (5):79-84.
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