• 全部
  • Title

    Reasonable staggered distance of mining roadway on 23306lower working face of Xiayukou Coal Mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    FENG Jianzhi;KANG Meng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shaanxi Shanmei Hancheng Mining Co., Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    great significance for the safe and efficient tunneling of the roadway. Xiayukou Coal Mine is taken as the engineering back-ground, and the reasonable staggered distance of the 23306 lower mining roadway is studied using the methods of theoreticalanalysis and field test. It is concluded that the reasonable staggering distance of the 23306 lower air inlet way in XiayukouCoal Mine is 22 m, and the support scheme is proposed according to the retention of the 23306 lower inlet staggered dis-tance, and the monitoring and verification are carried out according to the displacement change of the roof and floor of theroadway and the two sides, and the monitoring finds that the narrowing of the roof and floor and the two sides of each meas-uring point of the roadway is less than 450 mm, and the narrowing of the two sides is less than 350 mm in most of the time,and the displacement changes of the deep base point and the shallow base point of the coal pillar sides are basically thesame, and with the excavation of the roadway, there is no large deformation, showing that the deformation stability of the sur-rounding rock can be achieved using the 22 m staggered distance. The study provides reference for the safe and efficient pro-duction of mines under similar conditions.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    near-distance coal seams;goaf;mining roadway;reasonable staggering distance;roof;two sides

  • DOI
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