• 全部
  • Title

    Research on the performance of fly ash/coal gangue separation layer grouting filling materials

  • 作者


  • Author

    Li Xinwang;Wu Rongyuan;Li Lei;Qi Yifei;Cheng Lichao;Li Li

  • 单位

     河北工程大学 矿业与测绘工程学院土木工程学院

  • Organization
    School of Mining Geomatics Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
    School of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
  • 摘要

    针对离层注浆充填材料中粉煤灰需求量大、成本高的问题,提出将粉煤灰/煤矸石作为离层注浆充填材料,研究了煤矸石的物化性质和不同水固比、粉煤灰(80 ~ 109 μm)与煤矸石(80 ~ 109 μm)之比(“粉矸比”)、煤矸石(80 ~ 109 μm)与细粒煤矸石(小于80 μm)之比(“大矸比”)对离层注浆充填材料的黏度、流动度、密度及析水率的影响规律。结果表明:经球磨破碎后的煤矸石物化性质与粉煤灰相近;水固比为1.2、粉矸比为8∶2时,充填材料黏度、流动度、析水率及密度分别为22.25 s、250 mm、3.4%、1.325 g/cm3,与现用粉煤灰充填材料各性能指标相近,可作为离层注浆充填材料使用。

  • Abstract

     Addressing the challenges posed by the high demand and high cost of fly ash in layer separation grouting filler materials, a new fly ash/coal gangue layer separation grouting filler has been proposed, building on the existing fly ash filler. The study examines the impact of the physicochemical properties of coal gangue, the ratio of fly ash (80 ~ 109μm) to coal gangue (80 ~ 109μm) (referred to as the "fly-gangue ratio"), and the ratio of coal gangue (80 ~ 109μm) to fine coal gangue (less than 80μm) (referred to as the "large-gangue ratio") on the viscosity, fluidity, density, and water separation rate of layer separation grouting filler materials. The findings reveal that the physicochemical properties of coal gangue after ball milling are similar to those of fly ash. When the water-solid ratio is 1.2 and the fly-gangue ratio is 8:2, the viscosity, fluidity, water separation rate, and density of the filler material are 22.25s, 250mm, 3.4%, and 1.325g/cm3, respectively. When compared with the performance indicators of current fly ash filler materials, these variations are below 8.54%, indicating that this material can be used as a layer separation grouting filler.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

     green mining;layer separation grouting;filling materials;fly ash;coal gangue;recycling utilization

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李新旺1,吴荣元1,李 磊1,祁义飞1,程立朝1,李 丽2. 粉煤灰/煤矸石离层注浆充填材料性能研究[J]. 煤炭与化工, 2024, 47(10): 1-5,11..
  • Citation
    Li Xinwang1, Wu Rongyuan1, Li Lei1, Qi Yifei1, Cheng Lichao1, Li Li2. Research on the performance of fly ash/coal gangue separation layer grouting filling materials. CCI, 2024, 47(10): 1-5,11..
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