Study on pressurized gasification reaction characteristics of Xiwan coal char
HUANG Yong;LIU Dan;LIU Qiaoxia;LIU Biao;WANG Pengwei;LAN Weiwei
In order to clarify the gasification reaction characteristics of Xiwan coal char under the conditions of pressure and co-existence of multiple gasification agents, the influences of different pyrolysis preparations and gasification conditions on the carbon conversion and product quality during the pressurized gasification process were investigated, and the aim was to guide the design and optimization of near-industrial pyrolysis-gasification integrated reactors. The effects of various parameters such as pyrolysis temperatures (600 ℃ ℃), heating rates (10 ℃/min ℃/min), residence times (10 min min), gasification temperatures (900 ℃ ℃), gasification pressures (atmosphere pressure to 4.0 MPa) and reaction atmospheres (100% (vol- ume fraction, same below) carbon dioxide, 50% carbon dioxide+50% vapor, 100% vapor, etc.) on the pressurized gasification characteristics of Xiwan coal char were examined. The results show that under the condition of a heating rate of ℃/min, a gasification temperature of ℃ and a reaction atmosphere of 100% CO , pressurization can slow down the precipitation rate and diffusion rate of volatile. The gasification reaction rate is also decreased by condensation and cross-linking reaction of free radical molecules in pressurized atmosphere. Moreover, increasing the volume fraction of gasifying agent enhances the collision probability with carbon molecules on the surface of coal char, thereby improving the gasification reaction activity. As a result, the car- bon conversion of Xiwan coal char reduces from 95.15% at atmospheric pressure to 78.22% at 4.0 MPa. The coal char gasification activity of vapor atmosphere is higher than that of carbon di- oxide atmosphere under pressurized conditions due to the inhibition of graphitization process and enhancement of gasification reaction rate by higher water vapor partical pressure. Specifically, the carbon conversion of Xiwan coal char under a 100% vapor atmosphere reaches a maximum of 95.12%, representing an increase of about 13.5% compared to a 100% carbon dioxide atmos- phere.
pyrolysis condition;gasification condition;pressurized gasification;product properties;kinetics
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会