Interpretation on the revision of national standards for Commercial coalquality⁃Coal for coke making
BAI Xiangfei;DING Hua
Coking coal is the basic raw material of China’ s steel industry and an important commodity in the domes⁃tic market. Its quality standards are related to various aspects like coal production, logistics, application and marketsupervision, as well as the full and rational utilization of China’ s scarce coking coal resources. The implementationof GB / T 397—2022 “Quality of Commercial Coal for Coking” can provide technical basis for the supervision of Chi⁃na’ s coking commodity coal market, which is conducive to the rational evaluation of coking coal quality, maintai⁃ning the normal order of the commodity coal market, promoting the rational development of coking coal resources, a⁃chieving the goal of meeting both the quality supervision requirements of coking coal and the strategic needs of thecoke and steel industries. The distribution and production of coking coal resources in China were discussed, as wellas the overall situation of the quantity and quality of coking coal imports. Based on this, the significance and keytechnical content of coking commodity coal quality standards were discussed too, and the key content of each revisionof coking commodity coal quality standards were analyzed. Focusing on the application of vitrinite reflectance in thedefinition of blended coal, it is pointed out that using the vitrinite reflectance coefficient of variation index to identifythe phenomenon of blended coal in commercial coal is more conducive to the rational and full utilization of China’ sscarce coking coal resources than simply using the standard deviation index. By analyzing the principles and processesof maximum reflectance and random reflectance testing of vitrinite, it is proposed that in the future, vitrinite randomreflectance indicators should be uniformly used for vitrinite reflectance testing of commercial coal to reduce testing er⁃rors and improve testing efficiency, thereby avoiding unnecessary disputes and misleading information.
commodity coal quality;coking coal;standard revision;vitrinite reflectance;coefficient of variation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会