Study on the crystallization mechanism and kinetics of calcium sulfate indesulphurization waste water
LI Lanting;LIU Min;KOU Lihong;WANG Guanyu;ZHANG Xianxue;WANG Hao;WANG Yaqiang
As the size and habit of calcium sulfate crystals in the desulfurization waste water can directly lead to theireasy accumulation on heat exchange surfaces and difficulty to clear. The crystallization condition affects the productionprocess, equipment configuration, and process economics. Therefore, the study of the crystallization mechanism ofcalcium sulfate and the corresponding crystallization kinetics of calcium sulfate can provide technical support for thereduction treatment and engineering design of this desulfurization waste water. The microscopic characteristics of thecrystallization products were analyzed by means of microscope, SEM⁃EDS and XRD, and the crystallization mecha⁃nism and crystallization kinetics of calcium sulfate were studied. The results show that, the different pH value of thewaste liquid can lead to the precipitation of different metal ions, and the heavy metal ions in the waste liquid precipi⁃tate first with the increase of alkalinity, then the magnesium ions in the waste liquid precipitate mainly in the form ofmagnesium hydroxide. The existence of chloride ion and other impurities in the waste liquor affects the crystallizationand regularity of calcium sulfate crystal. The crystallization of calcium sulfate is a gradual process of crystal nuclea⁃tion, crystal growth, crystal cluster aggregation and grain growth, but the change rule is consistent with the crystal ofpure calcium sulfate. The nucleation rate of calcium sulfate crystal in desulphurization waste liquor largely depends onthe super⁃saturation of solution, the higher the super⁃saturation of calcium ion, the faster the crystallization rate. Thegrowth process of calcium sulfate crystal during evaporation can be fitted into a 1. 38 order reaction process, the reac⁃tion rate constant is 34. 62, and the crystallization reaction rate equation is r = 34. 62C.
desulphurization waste water;calcium sulfate crystal;crystal growth mechanism;kinetics;evapora⁃tive crystallization;nucleation rate;super saturation
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会