• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress on the evolution and control of overlying rock arch structure incoal mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Cun;REN Zhaopeng;LI Quansheng;GUO Junting

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy & Mining Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology-Beijing
    State Key Laboratory of WaterResource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    The movement, deformation, fracture, and stress changes of overlying strata caused by coal mining are the mainreasons for the weighting on the longwall face and surface ecological damage. Studying the movement laws and damagemechanisms of overlying strata during mining is the core issue in solving underground safety production, aquifer protec-tion, surface construction facilities, and ecological protection. It is the theoretical basis for achieving green and safe min-ing in coal mines. To fully understand the conduction mechanism of mining damage, taking the overburden "arch shell"structure as the core, the current research results of overburden movement are systematically reviewed. According to thedifference of overburden combination and medium characteristics, the arch in mining field are divided into loose layerarch and bedrock arch. Bedrock arches can be further divided into fracture arches and stress arches. On this basis, the re-search progress and existing problems of bedrock arch are discussed according to the arch shell evolution mechanism andresearch methods: The theoretical model can give the arch trace equation and judge the bearing characteristics of the arch.However, there are some problems, such as simplification of boundary stress conditions, assumption of rock stratum ho-mogeneity, assumption of arch trace and calculation of arch thickness. Numerical simulation can well give the location,thickness and evolution characteristics of arch shell. However, the stress arch shell simulated by finite element ignores theinfluence of rock fracture, while the stress or fracture arch shell simulated by discrete element depends on the division ofblocks. Similar simulation can only qualitatively observe the development characteristics of fracture arch, and it is diffi-cult to determine the range of stress arch. The existing applications based on overlying rock arch shells focus on predict-ing and preventing longwall face weighting and surface subsidence through arch shell evolution models. However, thereare relatively few methods for actively regulating overlying rock arch shells. Based on this, this paper summarizes threemethods for regulating overlying rock arch shells:source preset arch shell method, process control arch shell method, fi-nal stability control arch shell method. Finally, based on the existing achievements, a theoretical calculation model andsimulation method for mining damage arch shell theory based on the law of energy conservation were further proposed. Itprovided the theoretical support and research methods for the evolution characteristics of the overlying rock fracture struc-ture stability in the longwall face and the treatment of surface subsidence.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mining;overburden structure;loose layer arch;stress arch;overburden damage arch;arch shell con-trol

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Cun,REN Zhaopeng,LI Quansheng,et al. Research progress on the evolution and control of overly-ing rock arch structure in coal mining[J]. Journal of Green Mine,2024,2(4):357−367.

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