• 全部
  • Title

    Investigation on pore structure evolution in metaplast from pyrolysis of vitrinite in bituminous coals

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHAO Shuoshuo;LI Yuyang;WANG Jiayi;TIAN Xin;SUN Zhang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Chemical Engineering, North China University of Science and Technology
    Tangshan Shougang Jingtang Xishan Coking Company Limited
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    It is of great significance for regulating the pore structure of coal-based carbon  materials to investigate the pore structure evolution in metaplast during the pyrolysis of bituminous  coals.  In this study, three kinds of bituminous coals with different metamorphic degrees, enriched in  vitrinite, were pyrolyzed to their characteristic temperatures point (softening temperature,t ; maxi‐ mum fluidity temperature,t , and solidification temperature,t ).  Nitrogen adsorption method was  used to investigate the evolution behaviors of pore structure for the metaplast.  The results show that  the isothermal adsorption-desorption curves of the metaplast derived from vitrinites in three kinds of  bituminous coals with different metamorphic degrees at the characteristic temperature are of  type-III, with a hysteresis loop. During the pyrolysis of vitrinite, the specific surface area of the metaplast ini‐ tially increases and then decreases, with the rate of change in the generation phase being slower than  that in the shrinkage and solidification phase. As the characteristic temperature in the pyrolysis process  increases, the vitrinite in the low-metamorphic-degree Tangkou gas coal (TK) initially exhibites pore  growth and pore enlargement, followed by pore merging and interconnection, forming mesopores and  macropores.  In the medium-metamorphic-degree Huozhou fat coal (HZ), a large number of micro‐ pores gradually formed in the vitrinite, with a specific surface area as high as 5. 97 m /g, followed by  merging and interconnection of the micropores into mesopores or larger pores.  However, In the high- metamorphic-degree Scarlat coking coal (SK), the vitrinites first formed more mesopores or macro‐ pores, with an average pore diameter of 13. 93 nm, and then shrank into smaller pores.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    vitrinite;pyrolysis;metaplast;pore structure;evolution

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    赵硕硕,李雨阳,王佳奕,等. 烟煤镜质组热解中胶质体的气孔结构演化特性[J]. 煤炭转化,2025,48(1):37-44.
  • Citation
    ZHAO Shuoshuo ,LI Yuyang,WANG Jiayi ,et al. Investigation on pore structure evolution in metaplast from pyrolysis of vitrinite in bitumi‐nous coals[J]. Coal Conversion,2025,48(1):37-44.
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