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  • Title

    Division of spontaneous combustion dangerous region and determination of nitrogen injection position in goaf of low level top coal caving mining face

  • 作者


  • Author

    Cao Jjingqing Wu Jianming Zhou Chunshan Tang Yibo

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mining Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology Shanxi Provincial Research Center of Safety
    Engineering and Technology
  • 摘要
    为了提高煤矿注氮防灭火技术的惰化效果,以塔山矿8202综放工作面为背景,通过布置束管和温度监测系统,连续监测采空区内各测点CO、O2浓度和温度数据,绘制O2浓度分布等值线图,拟合升温速率,判定划分采空区自然发火危险区域。结果表明:采空区进风侧距工作面30170 m,回风侧距工作面30220 m的区域为自燃危险区域,通过对比注氮流量为2 500 m3/h时,注氮口位置(工作面后方50、100、150、200 m)对惰化效果的影响,发现对于低位放顶煤采空区,延伸注氮口位置于工作面后方150 m处时,自然发火危险区域缩短约60 m,采空区深部CO体积分数显著降低,并稳定为19×10-6左右,稀释氧气惰化效果最佳。
  • Abstract
    In order to improve the inerting effect of the mine nitrogen injection technology, based on No.8202 fully-mechanized top coal caving mining face in Tasha n Mine as a background, the layout of the bean tube and temperature monitoring and measuring system was applied to continuously monitor and measure the CO、O2C oncentration and temperature of each measuring point in the goaf.The 02 concentration distribution contour map was drawn, the temperature rising rate was ftted and t he spontaneous combustion danger area was determined and divided.The results showed that the area with a distance of 30 ~ 170 m between the air intake side of the goaf and the coal mining face and the area with a distance of 30 ~ 220 m between the air retuning side and the coal mining face were the spontaneous combustion dan ger areas.With the comparisons, when the nitrogen injection flow was 2 500 m3/h, the location of the nitrogen injection hole (50 m, 100 m, 150 m and 200 m behind the coal mining face was affected to the inerting effect.In the low level top coal caving goaf, when the location of the nitrogen injection hole was 150 m behind the coal mini ng face, the spontaneous combustion danger area was reduced about 60 m.In the deep section of the goaf, the CO volume fraction was obviously reduced and was sta bilized about 19x 10-6.The inerting effect of the diluent oxygen was the best.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal spontaneous combustion; fire prevention and control with nitrogen injection; temperature monitoring; spontaneous combustion danger zone;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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