• 全部
  • Title

    Division evaluation and production mode classification of coalbed methane horizontal well in Fanzhuang Block

  • 作者


  • Author

    Chen Longwei Zuo Yinqing Tian Wei Chen Shida Wang Qiong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Huabei Oilfield Company, PetroChina School of Energy, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to explore the development dynamic and production features of the horizontal well, a tracing study was conducted on the actual production infor mation of 56 coalbed methane wells in Fanzhuang Block, four production modes (including the low production gas well, medium production gas well, medium and high p roduction gas well and high production gas well) were determined and there were totally 8 sub-types.The paper had an analysis on the production features of different p roduction mode gas well and the partial factors affected to the development effect and provided the development proposals of the relevant horizontal wells.The results s howed that the major factors to restrict the development effect of the horizontal wells would be geological factor, engineering factor and management factor.Among the m, the understanding of the coal reservoir enrichment and high production, fault identification and well stability problems were foregrounding.According to the geologica | condition, the well location should be rationally arranged and the fault should be avoided possibly.Meanwhile, the comprehensive considerations were conducted on th e seam occurrence, roof and floor stability and the insitu mechanics property affected to the well drilling.During the gas drainage process, the drainage continuity ensur ed could realize the high efficient and green development of the coalbed methane horizontal well.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Fanzhuang Block; horizontal well; production mode; coalbed methane;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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