• 全部
  • Title

    Study on gas outburst prevention technology with surface gas drainage for seam opening area in mine shaft

  • 作者


  • Author

    Cao Zuoyong Xu Youlin Wang Enyuan Du Hong Zhang Dongliang Luo Rongbin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology Guizhou Administration of Coal Mine
    Safety School of Mining Engineering, Guizhou Institute of Technology Chongqing Energy (Guizhou) Coal and
    Electricity Company Limited Xi'an Research Institute, China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Bureau of
    Industrial Trade and Sci-Tech
  • 摘要
    为保障新建突出矿井揭煤安全,提高地面瓦斯抽采井的抽采消突效果,对官寨煤矿瓦斯抽采井井型选择、瓦斯抽采工艺和技术、抽采效果预测等方面开展研究。结果表明:在地质构造复杂地区进行地面瓦斯抽采时,由于断层发育、煤层赋存不稳定,不宜施工水平井,采用垂直井和定向井更具有针对性和适用性;对具有突出危险性的煤层20 m范围进行射孔,并采用"泵送桥塞分段压裂"进行水力压裂改造,压裂完成后,对改造煤层进行合层抽采,抽采效果较好。工程实践表明,采用地面瓦斯抽采井进行瓦斯抽采能有效降低煤与瓦斯突出危险性,保障井筒安全施工。
  • Abstract
    In order to ensure a safety seam opening in a new mine with the coal outburst and to improve the gas drainage and outburst elimination effect of the surf ace gas drainage well, a study was conducted on the selection of the gas drainage well, the gas drainage technique and technology, the gas drainage effect prediction and other aspects in Guanzhai Mine. The results showed that when the surface gas drainage was conducted in the complicated geological structure area, due to the fau It development and the unstable seam deposition, a horizontal gas drainage well was not suitably constructed and a vertical well and directional well would be pertinenc e and suitability. A perforation should be conducted within 20 m of the seam with outburst danger. A pumping bridge plug sectional fracturing was applied to the hydrauli C fracturing reconstruction. When the fracturing completed, seam combined drainage was applied to the reconstructed seam and the drainage effect was excellent. The engineering practices showed that the surface gas drainage well applied to the mine gas drainage could effectively reduce the danger of the coal and gas outburst and could ensure the safety construction in the mine shaft.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas drainage well; coal and gas outburst; seam opening in mine shaft; numerical calculation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 相关文章

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