Study on pilot test of EF-Feox method applied to pre-treat washing and cooling waste water of coal gas
Lin Hao Zhang Jian Liu Ruilai Hu Jiapeng Rao Ruiye
School of Ecology and Resource Engineering, Wuyi University Fujian Provincial Key Lab of Ecological Industrial
Green Technology Fujian Provincial Academy of Environmental Science
针对煤气发生站产生的煤气洗冷废水含有难以生物降解的酚类、芳香烃、氨氮等有毒有害物质,会对人和环境具有很大危害的问题,通过EF-Feox法处理实际煤气洗冷废水中试试验,分别研究了电流、p H及H2O2投加量等因素对去除效果的影响,并采用三因素三水平中心复合试验进行响应曲面设计,综合考虑经济因素及工程可行性确定最佳工艺条件。结果表明:在p H为4.0、H2O2投加量为3.0 m L/L、电流为0.6 A,电解质Na Cl浓度为17 mmol/L、极板间距为100 mm、水力停留时间3 h条件时,废水中酚类的去除率可达92.82%;CODcr去除率不高,但可生化性(B/C)可由最初的0.09提高至0.44,适合作为生化处理的预处理。
According to hard biodegraded phenols, romantic hydrocarbon, ammonia nitrogen and other toxic and harmful substances in the washing and cooling wa
ste water of the coal gas from coal-gas generation station, those substances would cause great harms to the human and environment. The EF-Feox method was applie
d to treat an actual coal gas washing and cooling waste water in a pilot test and individually to study the current, p H, H2O2 dose and other factors affected to the remo
val effects. A central complex test with three factors and three levels was applied to the design of the response surface. A comprehensive considered economic factor a
nd engineering feasibility were applied to asset up the optimized technical conditions. The results showed that when the p H was 4.0, H2O2 dosage was 3.0 m L/L, curr
ent was 0.6 A, electrolyte Na CI concentration was 17 mmol/L, space between the polar plates was 100 mm and hydraulic retention time was3 h, a removal rate of the p
henols from the waste water could be 92.82%. The removal rate of CODcrwould not be high, but the biodegradability ( B/C) could be improved from an initial 0.09 to 0.4
4 and could be suitable the pre-treatment of the biochemical treatment.
washing and cooling waste water of coal gas; waste water treatment; environment protection; phenol removal rate;