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  • Title

    Research on reservoir forming characteristics and recoverability of CBM resources in Songhe Mine Field,West Guizhou

  • 作者


  • Author

    Hou Dinggen Zhou Xiaozhi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resources and Geosciences,China University of Mining and Technology Guizhou Provincial Engineering and Technology Research Center of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas
  • 摘要
    为了评价黔西松河井田煤层气资源的开发潜力,依托松河井田煤层气勘查开发示范工程,探讨了井田煤层气赋存及成藏特征,采用类比法、等温吸附法及数值模拟法综合研究了煤层气资源可采性。研究结果表明:松河井田煤层气资源主要赋存于龙潭煤系多个低渗薄至中厚煤层群中,煤系地温梯度为3.0~5.5℃/hm,储层压力系数为1.08~1.40,含气量为6.46~20.99 m3/t,含气饱和度大于70%,煤储层具有高温、超压、高含气量、含气高-过饱和的特征,有利于煤层气的地面开发。采用类比法、等温吸附曲线法及数值模拟法得出的可采系数分别为:40%~53%、64.4%~69.9%及43.6%~44.3%,综合分析认为研究区煤层气可采系数为45%~50%,表现出较好的煤层气可采性特点。
  • Abstract
    The study ained at evaluating the development potential of coalbed methane( CBM)resouces in Songhe Minefeld,.westen Guzhou. Based on the demonstration project of CBM exploration and development in Songhe Mine Fie d,the paper discussed the characterstios of CBlM ocurence and reservoirforming and researched the recoverablity of CBlM resouces by analogy metod.adsoption isotherm cunves method and numeical simulaton method.The research showed that CBM rsources were mainly hosted in the muti le lov permeatiliy and thin to medium thck cal seam groups of Longtan Formation coal measure. itsgeothermal gradient was 3.0~5.5 ℃C/ hm,pressure c.eficient was 1.08~ 1.40.gas content was 6.45 ~20.99 m3/'t and gas saturation was greater than70%.The resevoir had the characteristicsof high temperature,overpressure,high gas content and high to super gas saturation;yhich were beneficial o the CBM ground development.The CBiMl mineable co8fficients were 40%~ 53%,64.4%~69.9 % and 43.6%~44.3% respectvely by analogy method adsoption isotherm curves method and numeical Slmulaton method. The comprehensive analysis results showed tht the CBlMl mineable coeficient was45%~ 50% in reseach area which showed better CBM recoverability characterstic .
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    west Guizhou; sonehe Mine Field; coalbed methane; reservoir forming characteristics; recoverability:

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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