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  • Title

    Gas control technology of fully-mechanized coal mining face with soft roof,soft floor and soft coal seam in contiguous thin seams group

  • 作者


  • Author

    Wu Ruilong Li Xijian Huang Liang He Denghua Wang Wei Yin Xin

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Guizhou Fa'er Coal Mining Company Limited School of Mining,Guizhou University Mining and Safety Technologyand Engineering Center of Complicated Geologic Mine Guizhou Provincial Comprehensive Utilization Key Lab ofNon-Ferrous Minerals Resources Research Institute of Mine Gas Disaster Prevention and Coal Bed Methane Development,Guizhou University
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Based on the seam complicated dispostion condition.small spacing between the seams.thin thckness of the seam,sof seam and roof an foor as well s other features of the sean in Guizhou.ook Guizhou Fa er Mine as the certain studly object.the paper analyzed the gas conrol dirficuties oful -mechanized coal mitng face with soft o soft foor and soft coalsean in contiguous thin seams group.The beding drling pre-draining rllig pre-draining acoss ock stratum,high level orehole pre-draining gas drainage in the gob through the step by ste line buried.,pressurereief gas rainagein the gob.densely borehole drainagein the fault and other gas control technology of the tul-mechanized coal mining face were comprehensively selected.The gas overlint roblems at the top coner ofll -mechanized c almining face with sof roof.soft foor and soft cal seam and U type ventlation in the contiguous thin seams group were effectively solved and the saely and sucessumining of the coal mining face was ensured.t provided references to the gas control technology ofthefall-mechanized coal mining face in sinilar mines.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas control; thin seam group; soft roof,.soft floor and soft coal seam; fully-mechanized coal mining face;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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