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  • Title

    Surface air leakage of fully-mechanized top coal caving mining in shallow depth seam affected to abandoned coal spontaneous combustion and control

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhao Qifeng He Hongrui Zhang Jianwei Zhang Jinggang Wang Yuhuai

  • 单位


  • Organization
    National Key Lab of Coal Resources and Safety Mining,China University of Mining and Technology School ofSafety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology Anhui Provincial Work Place Emergency Management Center China Coal Pingshuo Group Company Limited
  • 摘要
    针对平朔矿区浅埋综放开采地表裂缝漏风问题,分析了地表漏风原因及其对采空区遗煤自燃的危害,采用"地表气压与井下采空区气压差、工作面进风巷与回风巷风量差、示踪气体地面瞬时释放法"确定地表漏风各参数:9203工作面回风巷风量比进风巷风量大,差值为81 m3/min,地面空气经地表裂隙流入采空区,最低漏风风速为0.097 m/s。根据漏风测试结果,提出了"地面封堵裂缝防漏风+采空区注氮防灭火+回采工艺及组织管理改革"的综合防范与治理措施。现场实践表明,上述措施有效控制了浅埋综放开采地表漏风和采空区遗煤自燃,保证了工作面安全回采。
  • Abstract
    According to the surace air lealage problems of thefill-mnechanized top coal caving mining in the shallow depth sean in Pingshu Mining Area.the paper analyzed the ground suface alr leakage causes and the damage to the abandoned coal spontanecus combustion in the ge af Each parameter of the ground sura:air eakage was detemined with"aifference between the ground surace atmospheric pressure and the goaf atmospheic pressure in underground mine,th air fow diffrence between theair income gateway and air retuning gateway in the coal mining face racer gas instantaneouesly released at the ground surface melhod The ail fowof the air retuning gatewa in No.9203 coal mining face was higher than theail fow of theair incomegateway and the dfferential as 1 m8f min. Theair from the ground surface fowed nto the goaf through the ground surace cracks and the minair velocityof theair leakage wias .097 m / .according to the test resuts of the air leakage.comprehensive prevention and control measures with "the air lealage prevention with the ground surace crack sealing + thefie prevenion and conrol ith ntrogen injecion in goaf t reform of mining technology and organization managementf'were provided. Th site practices showed that the above measures could efectv ly ontrol the ground surtace air leakage of thefally mechanized top cal caving mining in the shallow deph seam and the abandoned cal spontaneus combustion in tegoaf and could ensure the safety mining of the coal mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ground suriace cracks;surface air leakage; abandoned coal spontaneous combustion in goaf:tracer gas; air passage sealing;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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