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  • Title

    Study on compatibility between mine concentrated liquid and rubber

  • 作者


  • Author

    Bai Feifei Wang Yuchao Hou Jiantao Zhao Xinnan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Mine oil Products Branch,Coal Science and Technology Research Institute Company Limited National keay Lab of Coal Resource Mining and Environment Protection
  • 摘要
    为解决因橡胶密封失效而导致煤矿液压支架立柱和千斤顶泄漏的问题,开展了煤矿用浓缩液与橡胶相容性的研究,重点考察了不同种类添加剂的润滑性及其对丁腈橡胶和聚氨酯橡胶的影响。通过测试浸泡后橡胶的体积、硬度、拉伸强度和拉断伸长率,来判断浓缩液与橡胶材料的相容性。试验结果表明:复配的改性植物油Ⅰ和Ⅱ有良好的协同润滑性,质量分数为1%时,最大无卡咬负荷PB值达745 N;浓缩液主要添加剂对丁腈橡胶的影响大于对聚氨酯橡胶的影响;改性植物油Ⅰ和三乙醇胺对橡胶相容性的影响较大,原因在于它们含的极性基团较多,对橡胶的渗透能力较强。
  • Abstract
    in order to solve leakage problems of hydraulic powered suppor legs and hyrauli jacks caused by fallre of rubber sea in the coal mine a study on compatiblity between the mine concentrated liuid and the ruber was conducted and the paper invesigaled ubrcty f diffrent type acdtives and th infutences onitrie butadiene rubber and polyurethane ruber.With fest and measurement of the volume,hardness fensle strength and breaking elongation rate of ruber afer the imersion,the compatility between the mine concentrated liuid and the ruber mateial was judged.The testresuis showed that composion modifed plant il L and ⅡT both had an excellent cllaborative lubrct WNhen the qualt frction was 1%,PBvalue of the max nonseizure load was 745 N.The main fditives of the concenraedliud would have higher infuence to the nitrie butadiene rubber than the polyuretane ruber. The modifed plan oil 1 an trehandlamine woud he hghy aircted oth rubber compatibility,because both of them had many polar groups and would have high permeability to the rubber.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    concentrated liquid; nitrile butadiene rubber; polyurethane rubber; compatibility;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
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