• 全部
  • Title

    Study on automatic control system of mine refuge chamber

  • 作者


  • Author

    Xi Jian Zhang Yinghua Huang Zhian Gao Yukun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Civil and Environment Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing
  • 摘要
    针对矿井避难硐室应急响应流程复杂、操作难度大、管理培训困难等问题,通过数学建模、仿真模拟、硬件编程等方式,对避难硐室自动控制系统进行研究,提出了自动控制系统的组成方式及基于该控制系统的避难硐室应急响应流程。实现了对避难硐室电力系统和压风系统的自动状态检测及切换,得出了100人避险条件下的压风切换阈值为0.48 MPa。实现了压风量、温度、O2浓度、CO2浓度等参数的自动调节,并通过Simulink软件仿真模拟得出:该控制系统在100人避险条件下,O2、CO2、温度超限恢复响应时间分别为11.7、15.0、13.3 min。同时利用人机界面,对整个硐室进行直观、有效地控制。运用该系统,可以有效提升矿井避难硐室应急响应效率,降低操作、管理及培训难度。
  • Abstract
    Aceording to the comlicated emergency response procedure, igh dificult operation d ficult management and raining and other problems of the mine refuge chamibe,the mathem atic modeling,analogue sinulation.hardware programming and other method were applied to the study on the automatic control system of themine refuge chamber. The compo.stion nodeof the automatic conrolsystem and the emergency response procedure of the refuge chamboer were provided. The automati status detection and swithing of the refuge chamber electic power system and compressed air system were realied and the compressed airswithigtreaold alue was 0.48 MfPa under the condion of 1 persons in the refuge chamber.The automaic adjustment of the compressed air volume temperature oxygen concentration.,carbon dioxide concentration and other parameters were realized. The Sinmulik sinilarsinulation showed thatunder the condtion of00 persons in the refuge chamberthe temperature overimite respons e time of the control system was1715.0 and 13.3 min individuall , A man-machine interace was appid to the direct and efectve control of the whole chanber . with the application of the system.the energency response eficiencyof the mine refge chamber could be efecivly improved and the difficulty of the operation,management and training could be reduced.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    refuge chamber; automatic control;PLC technology; PID control; system simulation;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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