• 全部
  • Title

    Analysis on factors affected to gas occurrence in magma erosion zone of seams in Zhuxianzhuang Mine Field

  • 作者


  • Author

    Zhu Youbin Fang Jiahu wu Xiaojun Li Xing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Beijing Tiandi Huatai Mining Management Company Limited School of Geosciences and SurveyingEngineering,China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)Huarui School.Xinyang Normal University
  • 摘要
    以朱仙庄井田Ⅱ86采区各工作面实测的瓦斯数据和地勘资料为依据,采用X衍射分析、显微薄片观测等手段,运用瓦斯地质学理论,对朱仙庄井田8号煤层岩浆侵蚀区瓦斯赋存规律及其主要影响因素进行了分析研究。研究表明:侵入煤层的岩浆岩为闪长玢岩;岩浆岩的侵入及大量的张性断层对煤层瓦斯赋存产生较大的影响,岩浆岩越厚对煤层的烘烤作用越强烈,二次生气越多,但在大量张性断层的作用下,煤层瓦斯绝对涌出量与岩浆岩的厚度呈负相关,即岩浆厚度为2 m时,瓦斯涌出量为0.72 m3/min,岩浆厚度为14 m时,瓦斯涌出量仅为0.32 m3/min;煤层顶板泥岩及煤层埋深对煤层中瓦斯赋存的影响不大。
  • Abstract
    Based on the gas data and geological survey information measured at each working face in No. T 86 mining block of Zhuianzhuang Mlinefeld as the basis ,the X-ra difraction analysis,microsection obsevation and other means aswell s the gas geolog theary were aplied tothe analysis and study on th gas ocurence law and the main infuence factors of the nagma erosion zone in No. 8 seam of Zhuianzhuan Mlinefed. The study hed that the magmatic ock inruded in the seam was a dlorte porphyite. The intrusion of the magmoatic rock and huge extensional fults would have high nfuences to the gas ocurenceof the seam.The ticker te magmatic rock vas,the stronger baking function would be to the seam and the more secondary gas generton would be. But under the funcion of the huge extensional faultsthe absoute emission voume of the sean gas would be a negative corelaton to the ticknes of the magmnatic ock.When the thckness of the magna was 2m.the gas emission volume would be 0.72 mn3 min.when the thickness of the magma was 14 m,the gas emission voume would be 0.32 m131 min. The mudstone of the seam roof and seam depth would have less influence to the gas formation of the seam.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gas occurrence; magmatic rock; gas prediction; geological structure; magma erosion zone;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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