• 全部
  • Title

    Permeability improved technology of low permeability seams group in underground mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    cui Gang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    ChinaCoal Research Insttute State Key Laboratory of Coal Mining and Clean Uilization(China Coal Research Institute) Beijing Coal Mine Safety Engineering and Technology Research Center
  • 摘要
    针对松藻矿区可采煤层透气性差、难于抽采问题,根据矿区煤层赋存特点,试验研究了水力压裂增透技术,形成了保护层开采卸压增透技术和高压水力压裂增透技术相结合的有效增透技术方法。矿区采取保护层开采卸压增透后,使被保护层渗透率增长倍数最高达2.03×104倍。采用高压水力压裂增透技术提高保护层透气性后,水力压裂增透半径可达70 m;增透后平均单孔抽采量提高3~5倍,抽采瓦斯体积分数提高3%~20%。松藻矿区采用这2项增透技术后,实现了低透气性煤层群瓦斯的顺利抽采,同时保证了矿井煤炭资源的安全开采。
  • Abstract
    according to a poor permeability and hard gas drainage problems of the sean in Songza Mlining Area.bsed on the seam depostiton features of the mining area.the hydrauli fracturing and permeablity improved fechmnology was tested and studied and an efctive pemeabiliy inmproved technical nethod combined with he pressure releasing and permeability improved technology of the protective seam mining and the high pressure hyraulit fracturing nd pemeabilth improved fecom oogy was formed Afer the pressure released and permeailiy inmproved conducted for the protective seam mining the permeabilit rate of the protective seam was increased and up to 2.03×104 times.Afier the high pressure hydrauicfrcturing and permeablit improved technology aplied to improve the permeablit oftheprotsciveseam.the hydrauli fracturing and improved permeatilt radius could be 70 m.After the permeability improved.,the gas drainage volume of a single borehcole was increased by 3 ~ 5 times in average and the gas drainage volume fraction was improved by 3%~20 %. After the two permeability inmproved technologies applied to Songzaol Mining Area,the successtul gas drainage fronm the low permeability seans group was realized and the safety mining of the cal resources in the mine was ensured.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    low permeability seams group; protective seam mining;hydraulic fracturing; permeability improvement;gas drainage;

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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