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  • Title

    Research and development on mine flameproof and intrinsic safety AC frequency converter of mine scraper conveyor

  • 作者


  • Author

    Lin Yong Dong Shutang Shen Shengtai Yan Sangong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Jinzhuang Coal Industry Company Limited,Datong Coal Mine Group Company Taiyuan Huite Science and Technology Company Limited Zhangcun Mine,Lu'an Mining(Group)Company Limited Chaochuan Mine,Pingdingshan Tianan Coal Company Limited
  • 摘要
    针对刮板输送机在轻载、空载运行时整机效率低、电网功率因数低、多机拖动存在功率不平衡、启动力矩不足难启动、启动时存在机械冲击和电网冲击等问题,探讨了刮板输送机的工况特点及其对变频器的特殊要求;阐述了刮板输送机用隔爆兼本质安全型交流变频器的组成、工作原理及主要技术参数;研究了直接转矩控制、过载能力解决、节能运行控制、多机驱动功率平衡、变频器电磁干扰的途径及抑制措施等特殊控制技术;介绍了刮板输送机隔爆兼本安型交流变频器在西铭煤矿、樟村煤矿等4个煤矿的井下典型应用情况,结果表明:该设备使用可靠,运行稳定,节能降耗优势明显,可以满足井下1 140 V供电的刮板输送机使用要求。
  • Abstract
    Acording to low oveal ficiency of the scraper conveyor when in lght load operation and no load operation.low power factor of the power grd, an unbalanced power existed in the mut maotor driving .ifcutstarig with an insuficient staring torque mechanical impact and power grd surge existed in the staring perodand other problems the paper discussed the performance features of the scraper conveyor nd the special reqxuirements of the frecuency converer. The paper stated the compostion,working principle and main fechnical parameters of the fame proof and intrinsic sarety A C frequency converter apied in the scraper conwveyo. A research was conducted on the direct torque control overioad capacity soludion.energy saving operaion conro.power balanceofthe mut mor drving e ecrom agnetie imererences path and restrained measures of the frequency convertor,and other specal conrol fechnology;.The paper introduc.ed the ypicalalcaion condtions of the fame proof and intrinsic safety AC convertor applied in the scraper conveyor in the fuly mechanized topcoal caving mining face nXiming Mline Zhangcu Mine and other four underground mines.The application results showed that the equpment was reliable in the application .table in operation and enrgy saving and consumption redu:tion obvious and could meet the application requirements of the scraper with an 1 140 V power supply in the underground mine.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    scraper conveyorfrequency converter,fully mechanized coal mining face; energy saving and consumption reduction;

  • 相关文章

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