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  • Title

    Method to distinguish water inrush channel in seam floor based on water quantity evolution features

  • 作者


  • Author

    Liu Zaibin Yang Xiaogang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Xi'an Research Institute Company Limited,China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Shaanxi Provincial Key Lab of Mine Water Disaster Prevention and Control Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    in order to rapidlyjudge the type of the water inrsh channel.according to the structure development con.diton of the seam foor and the space relationship between the mining and driving activties.the water inrush chanel of the sean foor was divided into a completed foor channel, non runing though type chanmnel andrunning through chanel. The three type water inrush cases were alyzed and the quantty evolution features of the water nrush from sean foor with different water inrush chanel were obtained. Based on the quantity evoluton featues,the method todistinguish the water inrush channels in the sean foor was provided and based onthe water inrush evltion before the peak occured and the water quantityattenuation features afier the peak o.cured ,the water inorush chanel ype was judged.A Dsinilar simulation platform was appied to simulate a water inrush process of a karstsnkhole. The resuts showed that ths waer inrush chanel as arumning thoughchannel was the same to the analysis results of the water inrush distnguishing model,th d fferent water inrush chanel would have obious dittences of the wateriush quantity evolution law and the water quantity evolution features could accurately refiect the evolution process of the water inrush channe!
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    water inrush channel; water quantity evolution; distinguishing method; water inrush from floor;

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