Study on roof cutting,pressure released and gateway driving technology in Shendong Mining Area
song Libing
Halagou Mine,Shenhua Shendong Coal Group Corporation Limited
为在神东矿区实施切顶卸压成巷技术,以哈拉沟煤矿12201运输巷为例,首先在巷道顶板施工切缝孔和爆破切缝,采用恒阻锚索对回采期间的留巷进行补强支护,并在回撤巷道稳定区域进行单体支护,同时对采空区侧巷帮进行喷浆,最终实现切顶卸压成巷。结果表明:12201运输巷在切顶卸压成巷后,恒阻锚索受力最大为286.7 k N,侧向压力最大2.0 MPa,巷道成形良好,同时留巷改善了通风方式,实现了安全回采。对该技术在应用中进行了总结,切顶留巷技术适用于采高小于3 m以及顶板条件中等以上的综采工作面,并对存在的爆破切缝问题、支护等施工参数及方法进行了优化及改造,为切顶卸压成巷技术在神东矿区推广提供了借鉴。
in orer to inplement the oo cuiting,ressure released and roaiwvay driving fechnolog in Shendong Mining Area,taking No.12201 transportation gateway in Hralagu MKine as a cae a siot hole and basting slt wer frsty constructed in the roo of the mine gateway.the constantresistance anchor was applied to make the addtional enhanced suport of the gateway retained during the mining period and a single suppot was conducted in the stable area of the withdrawn gateway.Mfenwhile the shotcreting was conducted on the side gateway wall in the goaf and the of cuting,pressure released and gateway driving was feally realized. The results showed that ater the oo cuiting ,ressue released and gateway driving of N0o.12201transpotation gateway,the max load of the constant res stance anchor woul be286.7 k N,the max lateral pressure would be 2.0 MRa and the profile of the gateway was excellnt.The ventliation nethod of the gatevay retained was iproved and the safety mining was realied.The appication of the technology was sumnmarized. The of cuting and gatewa retained technogy would be suitableto thefully mechan2ed coal mining face with a mining heightlss than 3 m and the roof co ition with mediunm grade. An optinization and reconstouction were conducted on the existed blasting slotitig problem .suppor and constution parameters and nethod and could provide the references to promote the roof cuting,pressure released and gateway driving technology in Shendong Mining Area.
shendong Mining Area roof cutting and pressure released;constantresistance anchor; roof cuting and gateway retaining; blasting sloting: